One patient, two years, three choices, four PCI ZHAO Peng Cardiology , the Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of CPAPF, Tianjin, China
Case presentation Male , 61 years old Chest pain for 4 hours ECG : ST segment elevation on V1-V5 lead Smoking 、 hypertension 、 hyperlipidemia No diabetes mellitus Diagnosis: Acute myocardial infarction
Coronary angiography
Treatment strategy Open the culprit vessel as early as possible Use coil wire to avoid into the false lumen Crush the thrombus by balloon dilation Implant stent to restore the blood supply
Balloon : 2.5*14mm Pressure : 8atm After nitro. bolus , TIMI-3 flow
Stent 1: Cypher 3.0*18mm Pressure:12atm
Stent 2: Cypher 3.0*23mm Pressure:16atm
The final film
Patient condition The symptom of angina disappeared Vital sign were stable Echocardiograph showed LVEF 42%
11 months later Intermittent chest pain for 5 days ECG on symptom: ST segment elevation on avR lead No drug terminate Stop smoking Blood pressure, glucose and lipoids were satisfactory So, WHY?
Recheck Coronary Angiography
LM ostial-proximal lesion
LCX ostial lesion
No lesion in RCA
Unstable plaque in LM and LCX IVUS check
What’s the next? CABG? PCI? Our determination : PCI No calcification lesion, easily transport devices DES , seldom restenosis Checked by IVUS , perfect stent- adherent
LCX, Balloon dilation, 3.0*15mm , 12atm
Stent location
Stent : Endeavor 4.0*24mm Pressure:16atm
Kissing balloon LM 4.0*24mm 16atm LAD 3.0*13mm 16atm
Stent implanted, checked by IVUS, perfect stent-adherent
Patient condition The symptom of angina disappeared again after PCI UCG: LVEF45% Take more drug, adding cilostazol No symptom for 1 year, recheck coronary angiography
Coronary angiography
What we can do? Clinical observation ? CABG ? PCI ? After the communication with the patient’s kin, the final choice was PCI
LAD ostial lesion Cutting Balloon 3.5*6mm 8atm
LAD ostial lesion LCX ostial lesion
Cutting balloon 3.5*6mm 8atm
Cypher 3.5*23mm Located to LM ostium 18atm
Kissing balloon LAD 3.5*15mm 12atm LCX 3.5*15mm 12atm
LM, the stent’s corollas overlapped
The final film
7 days later Chest pain exploded, cold sweat and shock ECG: ST segment elevation on avR lead and depression on V1-V6 lead Troponin T was elevated treatment : IV tirofiban coronary angiography
The bulk of thrombus filled LM, proximal LAD and LCX, the blood of LAD was TIMI-2 grade
What we can do? We had no choice besides PCI IABP Thrombus suction anticoagulants Vasoactive agent
Sucking thrombus TIMI-3 flow
The final film
Present condition Persistent IABP for 4 days Twice acute heart failure 7 days in CCU UCG: LVEF 25% Underwent CABG after 4 weeks
Thanks !