1 Connecticut State Department of Education American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA): Bureau of Special Education Teleconference May 21, 2009
2 ARRA Goals and Assurances In order to apply for ARRA funds, the Governor must provide USDE with written assurances that CT has addressed and will continue to improve upon: ARRA Goals 1. Academic Standards and Assessments of Student Learning and Achievement 2. Equitable Distribution of Quality Teachers 3. Data Systems to Track Student Performance 4. School Improvement Initiatives for Schools and Districts in Need of Improvement
3 Use of Entitlement ARRA Funds Connecticut’s recommended four priority categories Expanded learning time Professional development/technical assistance Increased capacity Direct services to students and parents
4 Use of Entitlement ARRA Funds Aligned with the three State Board of Education priorities: High quality preschool education for all High academic achievement for all students in reading, writing, mathematics, and science High school reform, so all students graduate and are prepared for lifelong learning and careers in a competitive, global economy
5 Sources of ARRA Funds for Three primary sources of ARRA funds are available to states: SourceCT’s Award Stabilization Block Grants$542 million Stabilization Block Grants$542 million Entitlement Grants$243 million Entitlement Grants$243 million Competitive Grants TBD* Competitive Grants TBD* Incentive Grants Incentive Grants Innovation Grants Innovation Grants *Distributed at discretion of Secretary of Education
6 Basic Stabilization Funds: Process and Strategy Basic Stabilization Funds: Process and Strategy Governors must submit an application to USDE, making assurances that the state is directing its resources toward ARRA goals. Governors must submit an application to USDE, making assurances that the state is directing its resources toward ARRA goals. Fund use assigned exclusively to Governors. Fund use assigned exclusively to Governors. Stabilization funds must be used to restore support for K-12 and postsecondary education. Stabilization funds must be used to restore support for K-12 and postsecondary education. The State must ensure transparency in the use of the funds, have a plan for monitoring how funds are expended. The State must ensure transparency in the use of the funds, have a plan for monitoring how funds are expended. The State must evaluate the effectiveness of their use and report to the USDE on a quarterly basis. The State must evaluate the effectiveness of their use and report to the USDE on a quarterly basis.
7 Basic Stabilization Funds: Process and Guidance New Considerations: Stabilization funds are to be directed into education funding. Stabilization funds are to be directed into education funding. Stabilization allocations must be reserved exclusively for education and may not be used for municipal expenditures. Stabilization allocations must be reserved exclusively for education and may not be used for municipal expenditures. Stabilization allocations are aimed at minimizing the loss of teachers, administrators and other public school employees Stabilization allocations are aimed at minimizing the loss of teachers, administrators and other public school employeesN
8 Stabilization Fund Use New Considerations – cont. Districts must apply to the State Department of Ed. (SDE) for Stabilization Funds under a separate application, in compliance with AARA’s accountability provisions Districts must apply to the State Department of Ed. (SDE) for Stabilization Funds under a separate application, in compliance with AARA’s accountability provisions Stabilization funds will be sent separately by SDE to districts Stabilization funds will be sent separately by SDE to districts CT has not yet submitted application for Stabilization Funds; is still awaiting further guidance. CT has not yet submitted application for Stabilization Funds; is still awaiting further guidance. Objective of Stabilization Funds remains unchanged. Objective of Stabilization Funds remains unchanged.
9 Entitlement Grants (Two-Year Totals) Title I, Part A - Education of the Disadvantaged ($70.8 million - 50% available Spring, 50% available Fall) Title I, Part A - Education of the Disadvantaged ($70.8 million - 50% available Spring, 50% available Fall) Title I, Part A - School Improvement ($24.7 million - Fall) Title I, Part A - School Improvement ($24.7 million - Fall) Title II, Part D Educational Technology ($4.7 million - Fall ) Title II, Part D Educational Technology ($4.7 million - Fall ) IDEA B - 611: Children with Disabilities ($132.9 million - Spring) IDEA B - 611: Children with Disabilities ($132.9 million - Spring) IDEA B - 619: Preschool ($5.1 million -Spring) IDEA B - 619: Preschool ($5.1 million -Spring) McKinney-Vento - Homeless Children ($0.2 million - Competitive ) McKinney-Vento - Homeless Children ($0.2 million - Competitive )
10 IDEA Part B (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) Ages 3-21 (611) and Preschool (619) Purpose and Use of Funds Excess cost of providing special education & related services to students with disabilities Early Childhood programs and activities Flexibility Provisions/Strategies 50% Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Adjustment Strategy Local and/or State Funds Exceed MOE Strategy 15 % Coordinated Early Intervening Services Strategy
11 IDEA Part B cont. Timeline 50% of ARRA-IDEA funds in spring, application is now online. Application deadline is July 1, 2009 50% ARRA-IDEA funds in the fall, revision due Sept. 18 Regular IDEA funds available in July, application due May 15
Flexibility Provisions/Strategies 1.50% Maintenance Of Effort (MOE) Adjustment Strategy 2.Local and/or State Funds Exceed MOE Strategy 3.15 % Coordinated Early Intervening Services Strategy 12
11/6/ Maintenance of Effort (MOE) With certain exceptions, Part B funds must not be used by a district to reduce the level of expenditures for the education of children with disabilities made by the district from local funds below the level of those expenditures for the preceding year U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs Building the Legacy : Retrieved March 23, 2009 from 8&q=Fiscal+Accountability# &q=Fiscal+Accountability# &q=Fiscal+Accountability#884 13
Supplement not Supplant If an LEA maintains (or exceeds) its level of local, or state and local, expenditures for special education and related services from year to year (in this case to ), either in total or per capita, then the IDEA (standard and/or ARRA) funds are, in fact, supplementing those local, or state and local, expenditures and the LEA has met its maintenance of effort (MOE) and supplement/not supplant requirements. 14
15 Use of IDEA Funds Strategy 1: 50% Maintenance Of Effort (MOE) Adjustment If an LEA does maintain (or exceed) its level of local, or state and local, expenditures for special education and related services, the LEA can, by an amount equal to 50% of the increase to their IDEA funds, decrease their local special education/related services expenditures, and use that same amount of local funds for activities allowable under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
11/6/ Use of IDEA Funds Strategy 1 (cont): 50% Maintenance Of Effort (MOE) Adjustment Office of Special Education Programs’ indicates that unless an LEA has been identified as “Meet Requirements” on its IDEA Determinations of the State Performance Plan, it is prohibited from reducing its MOE under IDEA section 613(a)(2)(C) for the fiscal year in which it did not achieve the “Meets Requirements” category. 16
17 Local Operating Budget FY 2010 Total $9.0 M ( ESEA - $2.1M Total $6.9M Meets 2010 MOE requirement of $9.0M Local Operating Budget FY 2011 (Level Funded) Total $6.9M Meets 2011 MOE requirement of $6.9M Special Education 2010 [(B + C) – A] X 50% = $2.1 M Increase $2.1M over D – (B + C) = -$3.8M ($0) No increase over 2010 Maintenance of Effort Sample Calculation: Use of 50% of the difference between fiscal year allocations If you are going to offset your local budget by 50% of the increase and use the CEIS allowance, check the rules related to the use of CEIS funds. ABCDE IDEA Standard ’09 IDEA Standard ‘10 IDEA ARRA ’10 IDEA Standard ’11 IDEA ARRA ‘11 $3.0 M$3.2 M$4.0 M$3.4 M0
18 Use of IDEA Funds Strategy 2: Local/State Funds for Special Education Exceed MOE When a district meets its required local/state MOE from one year to the next for special education, the district has met the supplement/not supplant requirement under IDEA, Part B. When a district meets its required local/state MOE from one year to the next for special education, the district has met the supplement/not supplant requirement under IDEA, Part B. If local/state special education costs in exceed costs in , the Board can reduce its special education budget by that excess amount and use these local/state funds for non-special education personnel, services and activities without considering it supplanting.
Use of IDEA Funds Strategy 2 (cont): Local/State Funds for Special Education Exceed MOE For example: Board’s expenditures from state/local funds in equal $1,000,000. Board’s expenditures from state/local funds in equal $1,000,000. Board’s expenditures from state/local funds in equal $1,200,000. Board’s expenditures from state/local funds in equal $1,200,
Use of IDEA Funds Strategy 2 (cont): Local/State Funds for Special Education Exceed MOE The Board can reduce its special education budget for to $1,000,000 and meet the MOE requirement. The Board can reduce its special education budget for to $1,000,000 and meet the MOE requirement. The Board can take the $200,000 difference and use it for non-special education expenditures. The Board can take the $200,000 difference and use it for non-special education expenditures. Utilizing the $200,000 to support the local budget does not impact MOE as occurs in Strategy 1. Utilizing the $200,000 to support the local budget does not impact MOE as occurs in Strategy 1. 20
11/6/ Use of IDEA Funds Strategy 3: Coordinated, Early Intervening Services Districts may use up to 15% of IDEA Part B (also the ARRA) funds to develop and provide CEIS for students who are currently not identified as needing special education. Districts may use up to 15% of IDEA Part B (also the ARRA) funds to develop and provide CEIS for students who are currently not identified as needing special education. However, those districts that disproportionately, by race, identify, place and/or suspend/expel students, cannot choose to use this strategy as the State is required to direct these districts funds for specific use to address these issues. However, those districts that disproportionately, by race, identify, place and/or suspend/expel students, cannot choose to use this strategy as the State is required to direct these districts funds for specific use to address these issues. 21
11/6/ Use of IDEA Funds Strategy 3 (cont): Coordinated, Early Intervening Services Each district that implements CEIS must report to the CT State Department of Education on: Each district that implements CEIS must report to the CT State Department of Education on: the number of children who received CEIS and the number of children who received CEIS and the number of those children who subsequently received special education and related services under Part B during the subsequent two-year period (i.e. the two years after receiving CEIS). the number of those children who subsequently received special education and related services under Part B during the subsequent two-year period (i.e. the two years after receiving CEIS). this is reported on the district’s IDEA grant application under Section 5 this is reported on the district’s IDEA grant application under Section 5 CEIS Memo-Questions 6, 34 CFR (d) 2008 OSEP Leadership Conference Menlove Doutre & Brown-Clark Presentation 22
SPECIAL RULE TO MOE/CEIS Under 34 CFR Section (d), the amount of funds expended by an LEA for CEIS (under Section ) shall count towards the maximum amount of expenditures that the LEA may reduce its MOE. Thus if LEAs are utilizing the “50% offset rule” for MOE, they should be subtracting from the 50% increase to their IDEA entitlements the amount of CEIS funds they are planning to use in order to determine the amount the LEA can use for MOE purposes.
MOE/CEIS Example District A: IDEA Part B ARRA funds= $790,000 IDEA Part B Standard increase= $10,000 ($650,000 is IDEA Standard Grant award Total IDEA increase = $800,000 50% Offset rule amount = $400,000 Up to15% of IDEA ARRA for CEIS : $118,500 Up to 15% of IDEA Standard for CEIS : $97,500 Total available for CEIS :$216,000 Amount available for MOE= $184,000 ($400, ,000)
25 Ongoing ARRA Information Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) and U.S. Department of Education Guidance appears on CSDE’s Website ( at R ECOVERY I NFORMATION (IDEA Part B Grants to States and Preschool Grants)
26 Title I and ARRA Resources m m m m