Funding Strategies Session Alon Lavie, Jaime Carbonell, Eric Nyberg LTI Retreat August 9, 2005
LTI Retreat2 Agenda NSF Funding Opportunities – Alon DARPA Funding Opportunities – Jaime Industrial Contracts and LTI Affiliates – Eric Nyberg Discussion
August 9, 2005LTI Retreat3 NSF Funding Opportunities Main relevant entity for NSF funding in our research areas: CISE/IIS CISE and IIS have undergone a major restructuring within the last year –IIS reorganized into “Clusters”IIS –We fall under the “Data, Inference and Understanding Cluster”Data, Inference and Understanding Cluster –We have mostly been funded by the HLC (Human Language and Communication) Program –Mary Harper has left, NSF soliciting a program director to replace her Most relevant solicitation from IIS: – Solicitation –Large number of LTI proposals in May-05 round –Next set of submission deadlines is Apr 18/20, 2006
August 9, 2005LTI Retreat Solicitation Highlights Division-wide solicitation (not specific IIS program) Two main research themes: –Collaborative Systems: systems that enable collaboration between a person and either machines or other people in acquiring, representing, organizing, archiving, protecting, accessing and communicating information –Robust Intelligence: systems with robust and flexible intelligence, capable of perceiving, reasoning, learning, and interacting with their environment. Additionally three optional application areas: –Universal Access: to increase access to information and systems by users, such as the vision-impaired or the elderly, whose needs are often not met in traditional systems. –Digital Government: to improve access to information and services provided by governmental entities; as well as the workings of governments. –Digital Libraries and Archives: to represent, store and access information from curated digital libraries and archives.
August 9, 2005LTI Retreat5 Other Relevant IIS Solicitations Science and Engineering Informatics Cluster:Science and Engineering Informatics Cluster –Science and Engineering Information Integration and InformaticsScience and Engineering Information Integration and Informatics Systems in Context Cluster:Systems in Context Cluster –Advanced Learning TechnologiesAdvanced Learning Technologies
August 9, 2005LTI Retreat6 Other CISE Relevant Solicitations CISE Computing Research Infrastructure (NSF )CISE Computing Research Infrastructure –Full Proposal: August 22, 2005 Advanced Learning Technologies (ALT) (NSF )Advanced Learning Technologies (ALT) –Last deadline was: May 26, 2005 –No new deadline?
August 9, 2005LTI Retreat7 Other Relevant NSF Programs Office of International Science & Engineering (OISE) :Office of International Science & Engineering (OISE) –Partnerships for International Research and EducationPartnerships for International Research and Education Single proposal per institution We tried in Jan-05, were not internally selected –International Research and Education: Planning Visits and WorkshopsInternational Research and Education: Planning Visits and Workshops –Supplemental funding from OISE for International CollaborationSupplemental funding from OISE for International Collaboration
August 9, 2005LTI Retreat8 Other Relevant NSF Programs Directorate for Engineering: –Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Program (I/UCRC)Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Program (I/UCRC) Two proposals per institution (internal selection), but some ways to get around that We considered this back in June, next deadline is unknown Directorate for Education and Human Resources: –Informal Science Education (ISE)Informal Science Education (ISE) Single proposal per institution (internal selection) Pre-proposal deadline: September 16, 2005 Linguistics Program: –Full Proposal Target Date: January 15, 2006 –Full Proposal Target Date: July 15, 2006
August 9, 2005LTI Retreat9 Other NSF-wide Relevant Solicitations Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF )Research Experiences for Undergraduates –Full Proposal: September 7, 2005 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program (NSF )Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program – Full Proposal: July 18, 2006