cesg-1 4 November 2009 Jean-Luc Gerner (AD) Gilles Moury (DAD) SPACE LINK SERVICES (SLS) AREA
cesg-2 4 November 2009 A.CURRENTLY ACTIVE WGs, BOFs & SIGs WITHIN AREA Space Link Services Area Report 1. RFM WGRadio Frequency & Modulation 2. RNG WG Ranging 3. C&S WGCoding & Synchronisation 4. LEC BOFLong Erasure Codes 5. SLP WGSpace Link Protocols 6. NGU WGNext Generation Uplink 7. MHDC WG Multi/Hyperspectral Data Compression 8. SDLS WG Space Data Link Security (Joint with SEA) 9. PlaCom SIG Planetary Communications 10. OCM SIGOptical Coding & Modulation
cesg-3 4 November 2009 A.STATISTICS Space Link Services Area Report
cesg-4 4 November 2009 Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress SLS REPORT 1.RFM WG Goal (deadline October 2009): Initial studies on 8PSK, 16-APSK, 32-APSK and 64-APSK in support of coding and synchronization WG; Review Prox-1 Physical layer (211.1-B-3) book and extract idle pattern sections for C&S layer book; White recommendation on HR telemetry and PN ranging; Red recommendation on 2 GHz modulation for missions supported by data relay satellites; White recommendation on comms requirements in emergency; White recommendation on 22 GHz modulation.
cesg-5 4 November 2009 RFM WG SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS Working Group Summary Situation (October 2009): Studies on 8PSK, 16-APSK, 32-APSK and 64-APSK in support of coding and synchronization WG completed; Review of Prox-1 Physical layer (211.1-B-3) book completed; revised (white) book - planned for February to remain in WG awaiting other Prox-1 books review; Initial studies on HR telemetry and PN ranging available; Red recommendation on 2 GHz modulation for missions supported by data relay satellites technically agreed (requires fixing formatting/editorial problems). SLS REPORT
cesg-6 4 November 2009 RFM WG Working Group identified need for following additions to charter: Revision to HR telecommand rec to support the NGU file upload profile (minor effort); Study and definition of flexible turn-around ratios to support MSPA requirement by NGU (major effort in cooperation with SFCG); Green Book on 2 GHz modulation for missions supported by data relay satellites. Working Group identified need for following revision to charter: Delay HR telemetry and PN ranging milestones (two solutions with many different options under evaluation); Delay 22 GHz and emergency comms milestones (no inputs). SLS REPORT
cesg-7 4 November 2009 SLS REPORT C.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS RNG WG Goal (deadline October 2009): Issue Green Book on PN ranging techniques. Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary Progress: Green Book on PN ranging techniques technically agreed (two independent editorial reviews initiated – book planned to be released by end of December). Note: expected to disband WG as soon as GB approved by CMC. status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress
cesg-8 4 November C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress : See next slides status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:X SLS REPORT
cesg-9 4 November 2009 C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG - Working Group Summary progress Revision of CCSDS B-1 TM Synchronization and Channel Coding (LDPC Codes addition & Five Years Review ) Pink Sheets finalized CMC poll for starting Agency Review is ongoing. LDPC Codes Ongoing implementation activities have been presented and discussed. LDPC Codes for Proximity-1 NASA ask to add new coding option to Proximity-1. More input documentation (trade-offs) expected. Agencies to evaluate proposal. SLS REPORT SCCC Standardization Standardization of the modulation items approved by the RFM Working Group. C&S and RFM WGs agreed to keep this specification within a single book including both coding and modulation aspects. RESOLUTION SLS-C&S : The WG resolves to request the SLS Area Director to pass the SCCC to the standardization track and start Agency Review with a proviso of resolution at CESG/CMC of patent issue Outcomes of SLS Plenary: Patent issue closed (see annex) DVB-S2 Standardization CNES proposal: develop a standard for AOS data link protocol over DVB-S2 links; to be submitted to C&S WG by Spring meeting AOB At Plenary, it was concluded that licences on patented technologies shall be available on a fair and non-discriminatory basis
cesg-10 4 November 2009 C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG - Working Group Summary progress Revision of CCSDS B-1 TC Synchronization and Channel Coding. Blue Book. (Introduction of TC Repeated Transmission) Proposed changes and resolution approved. Coordinated resolutions in SLP on TC SDLP and COP-1 RESOLUTION SLS-C&S : the WG resolves to request the SLS Area Director to start Agency Review for the Pink Sheets for CCSDS B. Silverization of PLOP-1? (may slightly delay resolution above) NASA proposal to remove PLOP-1 from the book agreed in principle. Modalities of removal under discussion SLS REPORT Turbo Codes Attached Sync Marker rates ¼ and 1/6 Proposal for better performance ASM under investigation (benefits, impacts) Pending above, the WG will decide about follow up activities : Replace the two ASM’s in Blue Book with better ones, or Complement the two ASM’s in Book with better ones applicable to e.g. higher order modulations or low Eb/No scenarios (e.g. deep space) Report issues in Green Book.
cesg-11 4 November 2009 C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG - Working Group Summary progress Channel Coding Green Book(s) update ongoing In relation with BBs updates SLS REPORT Five Years Review CCSDS Recommendation for Proximity-1 Space Link Protocol – Coding and Synchronization Sublayer The activity has been extended to the other 2 books of Proximity-1 to ensure harmonized revision. Activity on going. Long Erasure Codes DLR & NASA/JPL to provide a CCSDS Concept Paper for the creation of a CCSDS Project on Erasure Codes Decision on new CCSDS Project at Spring’10 meeting. Use of Long Erasure Codes over the CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) considered promising Action taken by WG chair to forward presentation to SIS SLS AD to organize a joint session with SIS in Spring Interaction with NGU WG NGU requires the C&S WG to investigate a coding scheme for file upload: The C&S WG charter shall be updated accordingly and a new project shall be added in CWE.
cesg-12 4 November SLS-LEC: Long Erasure Codes BOF Goal: Make, if conclusive, a proposal for the creation of a WG on application of long erasure-correction codes. BOF Status : Closed BOF Summary Situation: BOF Summary progress: Completed New project in preparation in C&S WG status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: X SLS REPORT
cesg-13 4 November SLS-SLP WG Goal: Progress TM, AOS Space Data Link Protocol Pink Sheets to Blue (OID frame)* Hold due to FSH/Insert Zone/Security discussion Progress Encapsulation Service Pink Sheets (including SDLP Channel parameter) to Blue Progress Space Packet Protocol Pink Sheets to Blue book for APID defn. *(but locate pink sheets!) Progress the TC, AOS, TM, Prox-1, and SPP CRC pink sheets to Blue book* Hold due to FSH/Insert Zone/Security discussion Progress Space Link Identifiers Pink Sheet ( including deprecation of IPv4) to Blue Book Progress TC Space Data Link Protocol & COP-1 to Blue for Systematic Retransmission parameter Progress TC Space Data Link Protocol for CRC normalization and APID definition* Progress Prox-1 Space Data Link Protocol pink sheets to Agency Review (Source/Dest. Flag clarification) WG Status: Active X Idle ____ WG Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress SLS REPORT
cesg-14 4 November WG Summary progress: Encapsulation Service Two Rids overlooked during agency review. Consensus of WG was to add the changes with the previously approved CESG/CMC changes for a new CESG/CMC poll. Space Link Identifiers Removal of IPV4 packet version number was accepted by the WG, since all agencies polled approve of the deprecation. Consensus of WG was to add these changes with previously approved CESG/CMC changes for a new CESG/CMC poll. COP-1 and TC Space Data Link Protocol Consensus of WG to advance to Blue for the systematic retransmission parameter Proximity-1 Data Link Service Source/Destination Flag text updated to reflect the description from both the receive and send side. Pink Sheets to go to Agency Review FSH and Insert Zones Discussion on harmonizing FSH and Insert Zones in AOS, TC, TM, and Prox- 1 occurred. NASA proposed that for at least AOS due to the need on Program Constellation, there is a sufficient need to place security Information into a new FSH for AOS (virtual channel based) and Insert Zone when security is appropriate for the entire Master Channel. SLS REPORT SLS-SLP WG (cnt’d)
cesg-15 4 November SLS-SLP WG (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: Several changes have piled up for AOS, TC, TM, SPP, Prox-1 specifications. When we update these documents we need to ensure that all approved updates occur at once. Conflict exists between NASA’s identified need to have a new FSH defined in the AOS Space Data Link Protocol to use for security and range safety data and the terming of this material as “not mature” by ESA. SPP blue and green books do not belong to this WG. Apparently there are SPP pink sheets that no one can locate including the Secretariat. ESA has expressed concern that SPP pink sheets concerning APID definition needs to be expedited to blue. To be handled by SIS Request from DTN WG to add 2 PIDs to Space Link Identifiers Blue book received at this meeting. SLS REPORT Planning : Continue to work with SDLS WG on defining where Security will be inserted into the CCSDS Space Data Link Protocols New task assigned by NGU WG to define the data link layer protocol for File Upload application profile – requires Charter update
cesg-16 4 November Resolutions under preparation: 1.TM Space Data Link Protocol - ‘OID’ Frame redefinition - CRC-16 implementation harmonization 2.AOS Space Data Link Protocol - ‘OID’ Frame redefinition - CRC-16 implementation harmonization 3.COP-1 & TC Space Data Link Protocol - Systematic retransmission 4.Proximity-1 Coding & Synchronization Sub-Layer (handled by C&S WG) - CRC-32 implementation harmonization 5.Encapsulation Service 6.Space Link Identifiers 7.Space Packet Protocol Blue Book (to be handled by SIS) - APID Definition - CRC-16 implementation harmonization SLS REPORT SLS-SLP WG (cnt’d)
cesg-17 4 November Next Generation Uplink WG Goal: Develop a Green Book for Next Generation Uplink (NGU) application profiles. Whenever needed and possible incorporate new requirements into existing Blue books supported by the RF & Modulation, Channel Coding & Synchronization, and Link Layer protocol WGs. If incorporation into existing Blue books is not possible, determine if a new Magenta or Blue book needs to be written. WG Status: Active X Idle ____ WG Summary Situation: Good progress. status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress SLS REPORT
cesg-18 4 November NGU WG (cnt’d) File Upload Application Profile NGU has handed down requirements to RF&MOD, C&S, and SLP to provide the blue book sections for the File Upload application profile i.e., for data rates > 256 Kbps to 2 Msps. (extending existing TC standard) Action items assigned to RF&Mod, C&S, SLP chairmen during joint meeting MSPA RF&Mod to examine how to specify multiple access to spacecraft (MSPA) from one antenna on the uplink Ground sends commands up to 4 spacecraft on one frequency Spacecraft autonomous uplink acquisition Flexible transponder coherent turnaround ratio used for each spacecraft to separately telemeter, range, and use Doppler. SLS REPORT
cesg-19 4 November NGU WG (cnt’d) Major Findings for File Upload Profile: Need for stronger code (than BCH) (*) No simultaneous ranging and telecommand Major Findings for MSPA (up to a maximum of 4 S/C simultaneously ) Need RF&Mod WG support Need CSS area support CSS Forward CLTU service may be impacted since, with the ground servicing up to 4 S/C within a single beam of an antenna, multiple POCCs may be supplying the telecommand data to uplink. Since the data may be files, ARQ may be returned from all 4 spacecraft affecting the CSS Return services. SLS REPORT (*) NASA is proposing LDPC, other agencies are recommending trade-off analysis (e.g. with Turbo Codes). NASA took action to provide trade-off analysis report.
cesg-20 4 November Other Major Findings Decoupling the frame layer from the coding sublayer for CCSDS Telecommand Migration path identified for ESA to keep the BCH code and simultaneously run the new code in the physical layer. This approach provides up to 8dB gain over the BCH. Only issue to resolve is time correlation. Strong support by NASA Mars Program has been requested of CCSDS – in particular in light of international cross support at Mars for 2016 mission set and beyond. Note possibility for the coding sublayer and physical layer to be coupled SLS REPORT Application profiles have been prioritized by NGU for future requirements definition and assignment to other WGs. Priority of work is: 1) File upload (current), 2) Emergency Comm for unmanned missions, 3) Human Support NGU to relook at CMLP study report to mine it for more potential requirements. NGU WG (cnt’d)
cesg-21 4 November Problems and Issues: None SLS REPORT Planning : NASA to provide a timeline for when the high rate file upload application profile is needed. Green book descriptive information needs to be gathered for the file upload profile Once the File upload profile is completed, the next profile should be worked on by NGU Next Generation Uplink WG (cnt’d) Resolutions : None at this time.
cesg-22 4 November Multispectral & Hyperspectral Data Compression (MHDC) WG Goals: 1.Review performance and hardware complexity of proposed predictors for lossless compression. 2.Select lossless compression approach for standardization. Working Group Status: Active X Idle ____ Working Group Summary Situation: Selected the NASA proposed predictor for standardization. Draft white book to be delivered to WG prior to next meeting. status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:OK progress SLS REPORT
cesg-23 4 November 2009 MHDC WG (con’t) WG Summary progress: Reviewed hardware implementation complexity and lossless compression performance results for proposed predictors under a fixed entropy coder. Reviewed selection criteria. WG ultimately reached consensus that both predictors have low complexity and that compression performance differences, particularly on multispectral images, weighed in favor of the JPL proposed predictor. Reviewed proposed corrigenda to correct minor problem with potentially ambiguous wording in CCSDS 122 Image Data Compression recommendation. Reviewed new lossy compression rate-distortion performance results. Problems and Issues: None SLS REPORT
cesg-24 4 November 2009 MHDC WG (con’t) Planning : Lossless White Book – Spring 2010 Lossless Red Book – Fall 2010 Lossless Reference software & compliance data sets – Spring 2011 Lossless Blue Book – Fall 2011 Lossless Green Book – Fall 2011 Milestone planning for lossy compression – Pending Resolutions : None. SLS REPORT
cesg-25 4 November Space Data Link Security WG (cross-area SEA/SLS) Goals: Develop standard protocol for security at the data link layer. This includes authentication and/or encryption both uplink and downlink. This protocol will be independent from crypto algorithm and compatible with CCSDS TM/TC/AOS data link protocols. WG Status: Active X (5 agencies, 15 participants) Idle ____ WG Summary Situation: User requirements fully reviewed & finalized (URD) Issues linked to the design of the protocol identified, discussed and decided upon (otherwise action items pending). Successful review of RIDs on NASA proposed draft white book. Will become SDLS white book after RIDs dispositions incorporation. status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:good progress (URD finalized + white-1 agreed) SLS REPORT
cesg-26 4 November 2009 Space Data Link Security WG Planning : White book v1 for core protocol : December 2009 Red-1 for core protocol : July 2010 Interoperability testing of core protocol : July 2010 – Nov 2010 Red-2 for core protocol : December 2010 Blue book for core protocol : April 2011 Green book for core protocol : Oct 2011 Resolutions : None Action: See WG action items list SLS REPORT
cesg-27 4 November 2009 PLACOM SIG Goal: Survey and report on agencies needs and planning for lunar and martian local communications/navigation infrastructure (surface coms/nav and surface-orbit coms/nav) Establish a preliminary coarse inventory of communications/navigation requirements (URD) Identify the way forward, e.g. proposal for the creation of a WG, type of book needed (recommended standard, recommended practice, …) SIG Status: Active X Idle ____ SIG Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress SLS REPORT
cesg-28 4 November 2009 PLACOM SIG SIG Summary progress: Reviewed Intergovernmental Agreement for Lunar/Martian Spectrum Coordination Reviewed first inputs from NASA, CNES and ESA on requirements for lunar and Mars in-situ communications Consolidation of requirements planned for next meeting SLS REPORT
cesg-29 4 November 2009 SLS REPORT 10.SLS-OCM: Optical Coding & Modulations (SIG) Goal: Make a proposal for the creation of a WG. SIG Status : In progress SIG Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: - Charter consolidation - White paper started
cesg-30 4 November 2009 SLS REPORT SLS-OCM SIG SIG Summary progress: Better identification of targeted scenarios, including Need for cross-support distinction between deep-space, Moon, Lagrange points clarification of up/downlinks More detailed description of user requirements for applications, with quantitative examples. To be included… Data rates, availability Timeline of needs Benefits of optics w.r.t. RF Action on DLR to propose a new version of the charter on the CWE. White paper initiated as support of charter. Completion of White Paper planned for Fall 2010
cesg-31 4 November 2009 RESOLUTIONS TO CESG / CMC For Agency Review COP-1 Pink Sheets TC Space Data Link Protocol Pink Sheets SCCC Red Book SLS REPORT
cesg-32 4 November 2009 SLS REPORT E. SUMMARY: MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN LAST REPORTING PERIOD 1. RFM WG Red Rec Modulation for Data Relays ready for Red after editorial review 2. RNG WG GB release Dec’09 3. C&S WG TM Sync & Ch. Coding pink sheets (with LDPC) ready for agency review SCCC red book ready for agency review TC Sync & Ch. Coding pink sheets ready for agency review 4. LEC BOF Closed. New project in C&S WG charter 5. SLP WG TC SDLP pink sheets ready for agency review COP-1 pink sheets ready for agency review 6. NGU WG 2 application profiles consolidated 7. MHDC WG Good progress 8. SDLS WG Good progress 9. PlaCom SIG Good progress 10. OCM SIG Good progress
cesg-33 4 November 2009 QUESTIONS ? SLS REPORT
cesg-34 4 November 2009 ANNEX SLS REPORT SCCC Standardization – IPR Question Clarified
cesg-35 4 November 2009 SCCC Standardization – IPR Question Clarified SLS REPORT
cesg-36 4 November 2009 SCCC Standardization – IPR Question Clarified SLS REPORT
cesg-37 4 November 2009 SCCC Standardization – IPR Question Clarified SLS REPORT
cesg-38 4 November 2009 SCCC Standardization – IPR Question Clarified SLS REPORT