Climate Change Adaptation in IFAD Presented by Sheila Mwanundu Environment and Natural Resource Management, Senior Technical Adviser IFAD.


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Presentation transcript:

Climate Change Adaptation in IFAD Presented by Sheila Mwanundu Environment and Natural Resource Management, Senior Technical Adviser IFAD

Structure Recent key developments Approach of the portfolio review Constraints Findings Direction for IFAD

Recent key developments Strategic FMW KSF 5 “Risk and sustainability” COSOPs CEB involvement PRG IMI on Adaptation Zero Carbon Group President’s statements Case studies MDG-F Egypt proposal Index based weather insurance pilot Update of ESA Procedures GECC Unit VIII Repl.Paper: IFAD and Climate Change

Approach of the review Background reading (IFAD documents & others) Development of summary sheet Review projects for NWP relevance loans and 718 grants between Report production (in progress)

Constraints Limited assessment and synthesis of vulnerability and adaptation options in project design documents. Complex and location-specific nature of climate change phenomena (beyond environment). Limitation of the key-word search function in the available databases. Documents for comprehensive analysis (i.e completion/evaluation reports, baseline studies) not available.

Findings 1 - Factors driving vulnerability Climate risks: droughts, floods, storms, coastal/low lying regions. Vulnerability: (i) bio-physical: rainfall and seasonal distribution, growing seasons, water stress – significant pressure on natural resources; (ii) social/institutional: differences in roles and rights, information and market access, etc.; (iii) technological: access/transfer, extension. Undetermined risks: food security, health, conflict, demographic patterns, infrastructure.

Findings 2 – IFAD’s activities related to CC - 6 (out of 9) areas of NWP: Technologies for adaptation Economic diversification Research (grant programme) Adaptation planning practices Socio-economic information Climate related risks and extreme events - Limited experience on mitigation

Findings 3 - IFAD’s comparative advantage Community empowerment - focus on vulnerable groups; Promoting access to land and NR; Supporting Community-Based approaches; Addressing gender dimensions; Building on traditional/Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge; Pro-poor research – build scientific capacity and influence policy and institutional reform.

Directions for IFAD Build in-house capacity (awareness and tools); Expand climate risk vulnerability and adaptation in IFAD projects; Step-up integrated adaptation/mitigation pro poor research (risk compensation products); Expand role of ecosystem markets/GEF adaptation grant/carbon credits; Policy dialogue (advocate for the rural poor); Partnership with UN and other Dev. Agencies – selective and focused.