CUDAM Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Trento Zaragoza, Nov 3 th -5 th 2004 IMPACT Investigation of Extreme Flood Processes & Uncertainty Composition of the numerical group: L. Fraccarollo M. Giuliani G. Rosatti
=> The simulation starts at the dyke => Fulling coupling hydro-morphodynamics => We represent the real section and interpolate in between => Finite-volume conservative scheme (Fraccarollo et. al. 2003) 1D mathematical and numerical approach
1D mathematical model A wet area, u average velocity, b s width at surface, z b average bottom-elevation, c average concentration, c b bottom oncentration, w water density, s sediment density, I 1 first order of the wetted cross section with respect to the free surface; I 2 spatial derivative of the first moment I 1, R h hydraulic radius, bottom shear-stress, c Coriolis compensation coefficient.
Starting assumptions for the 1D modelling There is no account for the bedrock profile (future work)
Data section input BED and ROCK
Rock outcrop
Results Rock out Section Strano che non affiori la roccia
Results section
Results Rock outcrop Trento
=> The simulation includes the upstream lake => Fulling coupling hydro-morphodynamics (following 1D) => Rectangular computational cells => Finite volume extension of the 1D conservative scheme 2D mathematical and numerical approach
Two-phase mixture: water sediments ( u,v ) ( u p,v p ) Definition of the angle-phase displacements : Grain trajectory
Mathematical model with the angle-phase displacements Mass balance: solid liquid+solid Momentum balance: liquid+solid y - direction liquid+solid x - direction
Some details on Ha!Ha! simulations => The breach has not been represented => The q input is inserted far-away from the dyke, with no momentum => Initial conditions: downstream of the dyke there is no water => No informations about sediments
Hints to preliminary results
Problems: => Sediment fluxes have to corrected in our Riemann approximate solver => Boundary are saw-edged represented => Bank erosions and angle-phase displacements have to be included yet