Tropical Rainforest Biome By: Sophie, Shannon, Nate, and Brody
Meteorologist By: Nate
Climate of Tropical Rainforest The tropical rain forest is a forest that has tall trees in a region of year- round warmth. There is an average of 50 to 260 inches (125 to 660 cm.) of rain falls yearly. Rain forests belong to the tropical wet climate group. The temperature in a rain forest rarely gets higher than 93 °F (34 °C) or drops below 68 °F (20 °C);the average humidity is between 77 and 88%; rainfall is often more than 100 inches a year. There is usually a brief season of less rain. In monsoonal areas, there is a real dry season. Almost all rain forests lie near the equator. Rainforests now cover less than 6% of Earth's land surface. Scientists have estimated that more than half of all the world's plant and animal species live in tropical rain forests. Tropical rainforests produce 40% of Earth's oxygen. A tropical rain forest has more kinds of trees than any other area in the world. Scientists have counted about 100 to 300 species in one 2 ½ acres (1-hectare) area in South America. Seventy percent of the plants in the rainforest are trees.
Geographer Sophie R
Where Biome is Found in World This biome is found in central america,south america, south east asia, and australia, they can also be found in most equatorial areas.
Physical features The topography ranges from rainforest to rainforest but all share certain features of vegitation and ecology.
How do humans influence the environment People cut down trees for wood and other materials, but this is slowly killing off tropical rainforests and the animals in it.
Tropical Rainforest Biome on World Map All the dark brown color is the tropical rainforest.
Botanist By:Brody
Climate Tropical Rainforest's belong to a wet climates. The normal Rainforest temputure is between 93 degrees and 68 Degrees. The humidty level is also between 77% and 88%. The weather allows different plants and vegetation to live and grow in the Tropical Rainforest.
The Durian Tree The Durian tree is a important tree. This trees fruit is a great source of food for animals. How this plant contributes to the rainforest, This plant keeps a good supply of bats and keeps the forest green and lots of fruit and vegetation. Information about the Durian, This tree supplies fruit for animals and the plant lives for years.
Tualang Tree This plant contributes to the rainforest, by the Abundant supply of honey and a home for the bees. Some Information about this tree are valued for abundant amounts of honey, Not found in great bunches. The Tualang tree very tall and it can reach 250 feet, or the 30 stories of a building. These trees can be found growing in southern Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, and Palawan. Their habitat is the normal tropical rainforest. They prefer dry but kind of wet locations like along rivers, in valleys, and the lower parts of hills.
Bougainvillea Bougainvillea has many adaptations to its climate and environment. It has many hooks so it can cling and hold onto other plants for support. Also, it can grow in full sunlight to partly shady. It also has become a houseplant so it can survive house temperatures, and the Amazon's warm wet climate. The leaves have drip tips so it can get rid of the rushing water fast and not get weighed down by the water. The Bougainvillea Lives in the Amazon Rainforest Biome. This plant is not even close to being endangered because this plant spreads so easily and This plant does have Thorns.
Coconut Tree Coconuts have supplied some families from the Pacific with shelter, food, drinks, and many of their other needs. The roots supplies's a dye and the trunks are used to stabilize buildings. The hard outside is cut into slices of wood called Porcupine wood. The white meat of the coconut is eaten. They get coconut cream by sifting the white meat till it turns soft and creamy. They use the liquid for a nice refreshing drink. Information about the coconut tree: The coconut grows in rain forests and other tropical of climates. The coconut palm tree grows in hot areas. It likes frost free areas, and grows in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Pacific region. The tree grows near seas in these areas so the roots can find moisture. In the United States it is found only in Hawaii, the Southern tip of Florida, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
Brody’s Site Page tanist.html