Mr. Cleon M. McLean Department of English Ontario High School
1.compensate (make up for a loss) 2.litigation (legal action; suing) 3.commodify (turn something into an object of monetary value) 4.valuation (determination of a monetary value) 5.discretion (judgment) 6.liability (debt or disadvantage) 7.beneficiary (recipient of a benefit, usually monetary) 8.tort (a civil lawsuit to remedy a wrongful act) 9.allocation (distribution, especially of money) 10.disparity (unfairness, unevenness)
1.squeamish (easily offended) 2.garish (offensively bright and showy) 3.gall (impudence; insolence) 4.traumatize (to inflict stress or pain upon someone) 5.callous (uncaring, cold) 6.inconsolable (incapable of being comforted) 7.indignant (full of anger over an injustice) 8.balk (resist; refuse to proceed) 9.deteriorate (degenerate; gradually fall apart)
1.rhetorical (related to the effective/persuasive use of language) 2.Rorschach test (an inkblot test that reveals a person’s particular viewpoint) 3.artillery (heavy ammunition/guns used against an enemy) 4.analogy (a comparison intended to illustrate common elements between seemingly different items) 5.solidarity (unity based on a common interest) 6.orchestrated (carefully arranged to achieve a particular effect) 7.concoct (to put together from various materials) 8.mechanism (technique for achieving a specific result)
1.How is “life” defined in this text? For example, does “life” refer to a human body, a soul, human experience, existence, or quality of life? Does this definition include a person’s personal life and professional or working life? 2.Most news articles such as “What Is a Life Worth?” try to take an objective, unbiased approach. Would you agree that this text is unbiased, or do you think it favors one perspective? Explain your answer. 3.What kinds of evidence does Amanda Ripley, the author of the article, use to get across the key ideas and issues associated with the compensation of 9/11 victims and their families? Are any specific types of evidence more compelling to you as a reader? Less compelling? (Hint: find evidence for logos, ethos, and pathos)