Precepts into action L.O WALT how to put the precepts into action. Friday 29 th November 2013 Starter: Write down Aquinas's5 main principles
human purpose is discovered by reason. reason can be confused between real goods and apparent goods (like adultery). reason can be helped by developing habitual virtues [also grounded in Aristotle]. intrinsic good leads to God. All other goods are instrumental. primary and secondary precepts help us to achieve fellowship with God. Aquinas’ 5 main principles:
How do we interpret the application of the primary precept ? Continuation of species Sex is for reproduction, Therefore, contraception is wrong.
What if sex is not just for reproduction?
a false inference …….. Sex may not be just for reproduction We can observe sex having more purposes If so…the inference is false…from natural law itself!! It’s based on partial observation of the telos of sex
Ultimate purpose: To reach eternal destiny with God “ Man needs to be directed to his supernatural end in a higher way.” II.i.Q91 art 4 Reason identifies this, and so we should not be enslaved by our desires.
Summary Sheet Complete your summary sheet about the Precepts
Causistry Causistry is the name given to the process of applying Natural Law principles to specific situations. This is done in a logical way, as some principles have logical consequences. For example, if it is in principle wrong to kill innocent human beings, it follows that bombing civilian targets (such as Dresden in WW2) is wrong. However, if it is accepted that killing in self defence is okay, we could justify an air attack on Afghanistan on these grounds. Innocent people might die, but that is not the aim of the action, so the doctrine of double effect comes in to play.
Double effect Double effect refers to situations where there is an intended outcome and another significant but unintentional outcome. According to Natural Law it is our intentions that are important, not the consequences of our actions. Double effect would not allow you to perform an action where an unintended outcome had devastating effects. Four conditions must be met… 1.We do not wish the evil effects and make all reasonable efforts to avoid them 2.The immediate effect in itself should be good 3.The evil is not made a means to obtain the good 4.The good effect should be as important, proportionately at least, as the evil effect.
Putting Natural Law into Action Find examples of how the Nazi SS and/ or Hideki Tojo broke the primary precepts. In 606 Homework: complete the summary sheet on the back of your precept sheet.