Nonlinear Programming Models


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Presentation transcript:

Nonlinear Programming Models In LP ... the objective function & constraints are linear and the problems are “easy” to solve. Most real-world problems have nonlinear elements and are hard to solve.

General NLP Minimize f(x) s.t. gi(x) (, , =) bi, i = 1,…,m x is the n-dimensional vector of decision variables f(x) is the objective function gi(x) are the constraint functions bi are fixed known constants

“decreasing efficiencies” 4 Example 1 Max 3x1 + 2x2 2 s.t. x1 + x2 £ 1, x1 ³ 0, x2 unrestricted Example 2 Max e c x e c x … e c x 1 1 2 2 n n s.t. Ax = b, x ³ 0 n Example 3 Min å fj(xj) Problems with “decreasing efficiencies” j=1 s.t. Ax = b, x ³ 0 fj(xj) where each fj(xj) is of the form xj Examples 2 and 3 can be reformulated as LPs

NLP Graphical Solution Method Max f(x1, x2) = x1x2 s.t. 4x1 + x2 £ 8 x1, x2 ³ 0 x2 8 f(x) = 2 f(x) = 1 2 x1 Optimal solution will lie on the line g(x) = 4x1 + x2 – 8 = 0.

Solution Characteristics Gradient of f(x) = f(x1, x2)  (f/x1, f/x2)T This gives f/x1 = x2, f/x2 = x1 and g/x1 = 4, g/x2 = 1 At optimality we have f(x1, x2) = g(x1, x2) or x2* = 4 and x1* = 1 Solution is not a vertex of feasible region. For this particular problem the solution is on the boundary of the feasible region. This is not always the case.

f(x) x local min global max stationary point Nonconvex Function Let S  Rn be the set of feasible solutions to an NLP. Definition: A global minimum is any x0  S such that f(x0)  f(x) for all feasible x not equal to x0.

Function with Unique Global Minimum at x = (1, –3) What is the optimal solution if x1 ³ 0 and x2 ³ 0 ?

Function with Multiple Maxima and Minima Min {f(x)= sin(x) : 0  x  5p}

Constrained Function with Unique Global Maximum and Unique Global Minimum

Convexity Convex function: If you draw a straight line between any two points on f(x) the line will be above or on the line of f(x). Concave function: If f(x) is convex than - f(x) is concave. d 2 f ( x ) ≥ 0 for all x. Convex for Univariate f : Linear functions are both convex and concave.

Definition of Convexity Let x1 and x2 be two points in S  Rn. A function f(x) is convex if and only if f(lx1 + (1–l)x2) ≤ lf(x1) + (1–l)f(x2) for all 0 < l < 1. It is strictly convex if the inequality sign ≤ is replaced with the sign <. 1-dimensional example

Nonconvex -- Nonconcave Function f(x) x

Theoretical Result for Convex Functions A positively weighted sum of convex functions is convex: if fk(x) k =1,…,m are convex and 1,…,m ³ 0 then f(x) = å akfk(x) is convex. m k=1 … Hessian of f at x: Example: f(x) = 2x13 + 3x22 – 4x12x2 + 5x1-8

Determining Convexity Single Dimensional Functions: A function f(x) Î C1 is convex if and only if it is underestimated by linear extrapolation; i.e., f(x2) ≥ f(x1) + (df(x1)/dx)(x2 – x1) for all x1 and x2. x1 x2 f(x) A function f(x) Î C2 is convex if and only if its second derivative is nonnegative. d2f(x)/dx2 ≥ 0 for all x If the inequality is strict (>), the function is strictly convex.

Multiple Dimensional Functions Definition: The Hessian matrix H(x) associated with f(x) is the n  n symmetric matrix of second partial derivatives of f(x) with respect to the components of x. When f(x) is quadratic, H(x) has only constant terms; when f(x) is linear, H(x) does not exist. Example: f(x) = 3(x1)2 + 4(x2)3 – 5x1x2 + 4x1

Properties of the Hessian How can we use Hessian to determine whether or not f(x) is convex? H(x) is positive semi-definite (PSD) if and only if xTHx ≥ 0 for all x and there exists an x  0 such that xTHx ≥ 0. H(x) is positive definite (PD) if and only if xTHx > 0 for all x  0. H(x) is indefinite if and only if xTHx > 0 for some x, and xTHx < 0 for some other x.

Multiple Dimensional Functions and Convexity f(x) is convex if only if f(x2) ≥ f(x1) + ÑTf(x1)(x2 – x1) for all x1 and x2. f(x) is convex (strictly convex) if its associated Hessian matrix H(x) is positive semi-definite (definite) for all x. f(x) is concave if only if f(x2) ≤ f(x1) + ▽Tf(x1)(x2 – x1) for all x1 and x2. f(x) is concave (strictly concave) if its associated Hessian matrix H(x) is negative semi-definite (definite) for all x. f(x) is neither convex nor concave if its associated Hessian matrix H(x) is indefinite

Testing for Definiteness Let Hessian, H = Definition: The ith leading principal submatrix of H is the matrix formed taking the intersection of its first i rows and i columns. Let Hi be the value of the corresponding determinant:

Definition The kth order principal submatrices of an n   n symmetric matrix A are the k    k matrices obtained by deleting n - k rows and the corresponding n - k columns of A (where k = 1, ... , n). Example

Rules for Definiteness H is positive definite if and only if the determinants of all the leading principal submatrices are positive; i.e., Hi > 0 for i = 1,…,n. H is negative definite if and only if H1 < 0 and the remaining leading principal determinants alternate in sign: H2 > 0, H3 < 0, H4 > 0, . . . H is positive-semidefinite if and only if all principal submatrices ( Hi ) have nonnegative determinants. H is negative semi-definiteness if and only if Hi  0 for i odd and Hi  0 for i even .

Quadratic Functions Example 1: f(x) = 3x1x2 + x12 + 3x22 so H1 = 2 and H2 = 12 – 9 = 3 Conclusion  f(x) is strictly convex because H(x) is positive definite.

Quadratic Functions Example 2: f(x) = 24x1x2 + 9x12 + 6x22 H1 = 18 and H2 = 576 – 576 = 0 → f is not PD H is positive semi-definite (determinants of all principal submatrices are nonnegative) → f(x) is convex . Note, xTHx = 18(x1 + (4/3)x2)2 ≥ 0.

Nonquadratic Functions Example 3: f(x) = (x2 – x12)2 + (1 – x1)2 Thus the Hessian depends on the point under consideration: At x = (1, 1), which is positive definite. At x = (0, 1), which is indefinite. Thus f(x) is not convex although it is strictly convex near (1, 1).

Example Is matrix A PD or PSD or ND or NSD or Indefinite ?

x0 = lx1 + (1–l)x2 Î S for all l such that 0 ≤ l ≤ 1. Convex Sets Definition: A set S  n is convex if any point on the line segment connecting any two points x1, x2 Î S is also in S. Mathematically, this is equivalent to x0 = lx1 + (1–l)x2 Î S for all l such that 0 ≤ l ≤ 1.  x1 x2 x1 x1   x2   x2 

(Nonconvex) Feasible Region S = {(x1, x2) : (0.5x1 – 0.6)x2 ≤ 1 2(x1)2 + 3(x2)2 ≥ 27; x1, x2 ≥ 0}

Convex Sets and Optimization Let S = { x Î n : gi(x) £ bi, i = 1,…,m } Fact: If gi(x) is a convex function for each i = 1,…,m then S is a convex set. Convex Programming Theorem: Let x  n and let f(x) be a convex function defined over a convex constraint set S. If a finite solution exists to the problem Minimize{f(x) : x Î S} then all local optima are global optima. If f(x) is strictly convex, the optimum is unique.

Note Let s = { x  n : g(x) b}. Fact: If g (x) is a convex function, then s is a convex set. Let S = { x  n : gi(x)  bi, i = 1,…,m } Fact: If gi(x) is a convex function for each i = 1,…,m then S is a convex set. Let t = { x  n : g(x) b}. Fact: If g (x) is a concave function, then t is a convex set. Let T = { x  n : gi(x)  bi, i = 1,…,m } Fact: If gi(x) is a concave function for each i = 1,…,m then T is a convex set.

Convex Programming Min f(x1,…,xn) s.t. gi(x1,…,xn) £ bi i = 1,…,m is a convex program if f is convex and each gi is convex. Max f(x1,…,xn) s.t. gi(x1,…,xn) £ bi i = 1,…,m x1 ³ 0,…,xn ³ 0 is a convex program if f is concave and each gi is convex.

Linearly Constrained Convex Function with Unique Global Maximum Maximize f(x) = (x1 – 2)2 + (x2 – 2)2 subject to –3x1 – 2x2 ≤ –6 –x1 + x2 ≤ 3 x1 + x2 ≤ 7 2x1 – 3x2 ≤ 4

(Nonconvex) Optimization Problem

Importance of Convex Programs Commercial optimization software cannot guarantee that a solution is globally optimal to a nonconvex program. NLP algorithms try to find a point where the gradient of the Lagrangian function is zero – a stationary point – and complementary slackness holds. Given L(x,m) = f(x) + m(g(x) – b) we want L(x,m) = 0, g(x) – b ≤ 0, m[g(x)-b] = 0, x ³ 0, m ³ 0 However, for a convex program, all local solutions are globally optima.

Example: Cylinder Design We want to build a cylinder (with a top and a bottom) of maximum volume such that its surface area is no more than S units. Max V(r,h) = pr2h s.t. 2pr2 + 2prh = S r ³ 0, h ³ 0 r h There are a number of ways to approach this problem. One way is to solve the surface area constraint for h and substitute the result into the objective function.

Solution by Substitution S - 2pr2 S - 2pr2 rS  Volume = V = pr2 - pr3 h = [ ] = 2 p r 2pr 2 dV S S S 1/2 1/2 = 0  r = ( ) , h = - r = 2( ) dr 6 p 2pr 6 p S 3/2 S 1/2 S 1/2 V = pr2h = 2p ( ) p r = ( ) h = 2( ) 6 6 p 6 p Is this a global optimal solution?

Test for Convexity rS dV(r) S d2V(r) - pr3  = - 3pr2  = -6pr V(r) = dr 2 dr2 d 2 V £ 0 for all r ³ 0 dr 2 Thus V(r) is concave on r ³ 0 so the solution is a global maximum.

Advertising (with Diminishing Returns) A company wants to advertise in two regions. The marketing department says that if $x1 is spent in region 1, sales volume will be 6(x1)1/2. If $x2 is spent in region 2 the sales volume will be 4(x2)1/2. The advertising budget is $100. Model: Max f(x) = 6(x1)1/2 + 4(x2)1/2 s.t. x1 + x2 £ 100, x1 ³ 0, x2 ³ 0 Solution: x1* = 69.2, x2* = 30.8, f(x*) = 72.1 Is this a global optimum?

Excel Add-in Solution

Portfolio Selection with Risky Assets (Markowitz) Suppose that we may invest in (up to) n stocks. Investors worry about (1) expected gain (2) risk. Let mj = expected return sjj = variance of return We are also concerned with the covariance terms: sij = cov (ri, rj) If sij > 0 then returns on i and j are positively correlated. If sij < 0 returns are negatively correlated.

Decision Variables: xj = # of shares of stock j purchased R(x) = å mjxj n j=1 Expected return of the portfolio: n i=1 n j=1 Variance (measure of risk): V(x) = å å sijxixj Example If x1 = x2 = 1, we get V(x) = s11x1x1 + s12x1x2 + s21x2x1 + s22x2x1 = 2 + (-2) + (-2) + 2 = 0 Thus we can construct a “risk-free” portfolio (from variance point of view) if we can find stocks “fully” negatively correlated.

If , then purchasing stock 2 is just like purchasing additional shares of stock 1.

Nonlinear optimization models … Let pj = price of stock j, b = our total budget b = risk-aversion factor (b = 0 risk is not a factor) Consider 3 different models: 1) Max f(x) = R(x) – bV(x) s.t. å pjxj £ b, xj ³ 0, j = 1,…,n where b ³ 0 determined by the decision maker n j=1

s.t. V(x) £ a, å pjxj £ b, xj ³ 0, j = 1,…,n Max f(x) = R(x) s.t. V(x) £ a, å pjxj £ b, xj ³ 0, j = 1,…,n where a ³ 0 is determined by the investor. Smaller values of a represent greater risk aversion. n j=1 3) Min f(x) = V(x) s.t. R(x) ³ g, å pjxj £ b, xj ³ 0, j = 1,…,n where g ³ 0 is the desired rate of return (minimum expectation) is selected by the investor. n j=1