12% of total population 393 students Bagby—11% Fammatre—15% Farnham—12% Sartorette—18% Price—8% 37 Languages/All student 25 Languages/EL Students
* Several languages that individually reflect 0% of the population combined together represent 1% of the population
* The following languages combined together equal 1%: Armenian, German, Turkish, Urdu, Sign Language, Bengali, Tongan, Cebuano, and Lao
Given to all EL students in the fall Results returned in January, entered in Edusoft Indicates student yearly progress toward English fluency Four key areas assessed Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing (K-12) 09-10—First year assessing Reading and Writing for K-1
Five Performance Levels Level 1—Beginning Level 2—Early Intermediate Level 3—Intermediate Level 4—Early Advanced Level 5—Advanced CELDT Goal Advance at least one level each year
EL student can be classified as R-FEP, Reclassified as Fluent English Proficiency At least 3 rd grade Level 4 (Early Advanced) or above on the CELDT with no sub-category less than Level 3 (Intermediate) Basic or above on English Language Arts (ELA) portion of STAR test Teacher recommendation Parent supportive of reclassification, signature required
R-FEP students monitored for two years ELA on STAR remains at Basic or above, with goal of proficient or above Basic or above on District ELA Benchmark Assessments, with goal of proficient or above Continued success with school work After two years, student can be reclassified as FEP, Fluent English Proficiency Student not meeting criteria receives targeted ELD/ELA instruction and intervention, with goal of FEP
* Data is based on RFEP dates for current Cambrian students
EL students represent a significant subgroup of students in Cambrian NCLB Goals — ELA—46% proficient or above Math—47.5% proficient or above ELA—56.8% proficient or above Math—58% proficient or above Academic Goal EL students score proficient or above on STAR ELA and Math at same levels as other students
Elementary schools Combination of pull out and push in, especially for CELDT Levels 1-3 minutes/week 2-3 times/week, 20 minutes a session 1 time/week, minutes Groups of 4-6 students EL teachers EL certified Some RtI teachers also support EL students, as needed, during ExCel
Middle School All CELDT Levels, especially 1-4 6 th grade—embedded in two period core class, social studies and math classes 7 th /8 th grade—embedded in two period combo 7/8 core class and one period of social studies Students mainstreamed for other subject areas Teachers EL certified
Increase English Language instruction to be in compliance with state requirement of 150 minutes/week. Target intervention with struggling EL students in both ELA and Math, based on data from ongoing formative assessments. Investigate research-based, state adopted ELD program. Evaluate methods of EL instruction.
Provide further PD and support to review and enhance skills and instructional strategies for working effectively with students at all CELDT Levels. Revise reclassification and R-FEP monitoring forms. Review reclassification process and timeline Monitor and track progress of R-FEP students.