1 TM ‘How Mashups Deliver SOA to the Desktop’ John Crupi, JackBe Steve Willet, DIA John Crupi, JackBe Steve Willet, DIA
2 TM About the Speakers Steve Willett Specialist, DIA 2008 Federal 100 Award- Winner John Crupi CTO, JackBe Co-author of Core J2EE Patterns Previously Sun Microsystems
3 TM "JackBe's Presto series of enterprise mashup solutions is one of the most complete and compelling solutions available today for organizations that want to move the excitement and results of the consumer mashup story into their day-to-day business." Dion Hinchcliffe, Web 2.0 industry analyst and founder of Web 2.0 University Best Enterprise Mashup Platform About JackBe
4 TM Today’s Objective To provide an understanding of how Enterprise Mashups relate to SOA
5 TM Agenda 5 SOA and Loose-Coupling Mashups and Analysts Enterprise Mashups DIA and Overwatch Demos Q&A 5
6 TM Three Quick Questions 1. Do you have an SOA in production? 2. Do you have RIA (Ajax,etc) in production? 3. Have you heard of enterprise mashups?
7 TM ‘Create a vision, strategy and execution plan for building, using and integrating enterprise mashups.’ ‘Evaluate enterprise mashups as a means to extend application delivery ‘ ‘Look to dynamic applications and processes for mashup potential.’ ‘Apply governance mechanisms to guide their effective use.’ Anthony Bradley Gartner on Mashups in the Enterprise
8 TM The Pieces 8
9 TM ‘A mashup is a website or application that combines content from more than one source into an integrated experience.’ Consumers Latch on to Mashups
10 TM Security Governance Entitlements Scalability Performance Reliability X.509 LDAP Propagating Credentials SSO Active Directory Privacy UDDI WSDL Corporate Portals The Enterprise is More Complex
11 TM IT’s Problem - Speed and Agility Demands Business is demanding faster... Business is demanding more access... Internal data needs to be combined with external data Portals are here to stay...
12 TM Excel B2B Data Users Need Access to Siloed Data Reports Messages Analysis Portal
TM 13 Is this your World? Mainframe Internal Systems Silos AccidentalArchitecture Portals ESB EAI
TM 14 The Mashup Way Mashup Activity Customers Sales Accounts Activity Customers Sales Internal Systems ESB EAI Assessment Get Data Accounts Get Assessment
User-Facing 3 Qualities of Enterprise Mashups Agile Sharable/Portable
Business and IT Aligning Business IT
3 Pillars of Enterprise Mashups Core Services Mashups Widgets Mashup Creators Mashup Consumers
The 3 Mashup Roles ‘The Publisher’‘The Masher’‘The User’ IT owns the data services Responsible for systems that contain data Manages security and governance Lower-level mashups created by IT Business analysts build upon lower level mashups that IT creates Customizes data display Tagging Collaboration Shares Mashup Creators Mashup Consumers
19 TM Databases Internal Services Enterprise Apps Feeds Peers, Partners, Customers Spreadsheets The Enterprise Mashup Ecosystem Mashups Feeds
20 TM 14 #1 IT Governs Mashups
21 TM 15 #2 Wire Up Services to Create Mashups
22 TM 16 #3 Syndicate the Mashup Widgets (Mashlets)
23 TM Case Study- Defense Intelligence Agency 18 Defense Intelligence Agency Challenge Laborious intelligence gathering and sharing process, Requiring use of multiple ‘stove-pipe’ all-source applications. Solution Project ‘Overwatch’, enterprise information portal, Designed to empower end users to quickly paint a mashup picture of situational awareness across various intelligence data sources, Using a paradigm of drag-and-drop and book-marking, resulting in a private workspace for future use and sharing. Benefits Rapid solution composition and deployment, Avoiding lengthy development and integration processes.
24 TM Mashup Case Study: Defense Intelligence Agency 19