R. Meijerink, P. van der Werf, F. Israel and the HEXGAL team HERSCHEL OBSERVATIONS OF Edo Loenen, Leiden Observatory EXTRA GALACTIC STAR FORMATIONMESSIER 82
HEXGAL Herschel EXtraGALactic Key Program 13 sub-programs using HIFI & PACS Molecular spectroscopy of dense gas in galactic nuclei Cooling lines in 10 starbursts with HIFI: CO & 13 CO [C I ], [C II ] & [N II ]
why CO? It’s high abundance CO ladder reflects the physical condition of the ISM Only low-J lines (<6) observable from ground Low(er) density gas Herschel HIFI: J=5-4 up to J=13-12 Dense gas = sites of star formation! Determine conditions of those sites
Observations M82: archetypical starburst SFR ~150 M ʘ yr -1 Very nearby: 3.9 Mpc Herschel HIFI (total time ~1.5 hrs) : CO J= J= CO J= x [C I ], [C II ] & [N II ] Focussed on nucleus
A third component? 2 main components: NE & SW lobes 3rd high-J CO and 13 CO?
A third component CO(3-2) JCMT t? 2 main components: NE & SW lobes 3rd high-J CO and 13 CO?
A third component CO(6-5) JCMT O? t? 2 main components: NE & SW lobes 3rd high-J CO and 13 CO
CO excitation Use integrated line fluxes Corrected for beam size using 450 µm map Combine with other data: Low-J (<5) lines from ground (Ward+ 2003) High-J (>4) lines from SPIRE (Panuzzo+ 2010) Excellent agreement HIFI & SPIRE (<10%) PDR models of Meijerink & Spaans (2005): Chemical & thermal balance in 1D cloud Radiative transfer line fluxes
CO excitiation ground based (Ward+ 2003) Herschel SPIRE (Panuzzo+ 2010)
CO excitiation n=10 5, G 0 = n=10 3.5, G 0 = % : 60%
CO excitiation n=10 6, G 0 = n=10 5, G 0 = n=10 3.5, G 0 = % : 29% : 1%
Conclusions Need 3 components to fit CO ladder Most gas has “normal” properties: 70% shielded diffuse gas 29% dense irradiated gas (SF regions) 3rd component: 1%, but dominates J>7 CO and 13 CO J>3 100 km/s feature... Super Orion Bar?