SEE-GRID-SCI Miklos Kozlovszky NA3 Leader SZTAKI NA3 – Dissemination and Training Overview and achievements PSC07 Meeting, Zabljak, Montenegro, Febr The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures contract no
Milestones MNA3.1 - Project management information system established M01 (GRNET) MNA3.2 Promotional package available M03 (GRNET) MNA3.3 T-Infrastructure available M03 (SZTAKI) MNA3.4 Standardized training material available M09 (SZTAKI) Final plan for use and dissemination of foreground M24 (GRNET) PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
NA3 Deliverables & Milestones Deliverables (all submitted on time) DNA3.1 - Internal and external web site, docs repository and mailing lists (GRNET) M02 DNA3.2a - Promotional package (GRNET) M03 DNA3.3a - Regional & national dissemination events report (SZTAKI) M12 DNA3.4a Regional & national -training events report (SZTAKI) M12 DNA3.2b - Promotional package (GRNET) M DNA3.3b - Regional & national dissemination events report (SZTAKI) M24 DNA3.4b Regional & national training events report (SZTAKI) M24 DNA3.5 - Final plan for use and dissemination of foreground (GRNET) M24 PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
NA3 Tasks NA3.1 - Develop and maintain communication infrastructure NA3.2 - Prepare and update project promotional package NA3.3 - Prepare project dissemination and use material NA3.4 - Organize and participate in PR events and conferences NA3.5 - Organize and participate in technical workshops and training events. NA3.6 – Develop and maintain training infrastructure and training community. NA3.7 – Training and dissemination Quality Assurance NA3.8 – Standardization of SEE-GRID-SCI training materials PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
NA3.1:Communication infrastructure NA3.1 - Internal and external web site, docs repository and mailing lists Mailing lists Official SEE-GRID-SCI website SEE-GRID-SCI Training Centre SEE-GRID Wiki PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
NA3.1 Web presence (need to update for the review) Official SEE-GRID-SCI Portal Ranking on Google with “see-grid-sci”: 1st place Official SEE-GRID-SCI Training Portal Ranking on Google with “see-grid-sci training”: 3rd, 5th places with “seegrid training”: 2 nd place (1 st is the old see-grid2 training site) Number of SEE-GRID-SCI related WEB sites Infrastructure sites and application/VO sites: 15+ sites Monitoring and Operational tools:12+ CA web sites in SEE-GRID-SCI Region:9+ PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
NA3.1 Web presence WEB visibility enhancement Per VO Extensive Wiki usage (primary web communication channel) Dedicated VO portal (seismo) Per applications Detailed, well defined information about the applications (located on the SEE-GRID-SCI Wiki) Description, licensing, system architecture, available, etc. Forced enhancement of on-line application presentation materials Scientific results (papers and conferences) PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
NA3.2:Promotional package NA3.2 - Promotional package created/updated SEE-GRID-SCI presentation Core brochure PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
NA3.3 - Prepare project dissemination and use material Posters Official poster of the SEE-GRID-SCI project: 1 Posters of each scientific VO: 3x1+ (7 of UF’09, please upload to the same place where presentations are!) Other posters: ? PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
NA3.3 - Prepare project dissemination and use material Newsletters & Media presence Newsletters SEE-GRID-SCI Newsletter, Issue no1, November 2008 SEE-GRID-SCI Newsletter, Issue no2, April 2009 SEE-GRID-SCI Newsletter, Issue no3, November 2009 Other: CERN Computer Newsletter Monthly bulletin of BAS TV (3) +1 SEE-GRID-SCI press releases (3) + 1 Newspapers (3) + 1 e-Newspapers (3) + 1 BELIEF-II Zero-In magazine International Science Grid This Week (ISGTW) Scientific papers (30+) + 57 Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer LNCS:5101,5207, 4395, etc.), Journal of the State Agency for ITC and in Conference Proceedings Other materials Promotional video – ATOMARIUM – Micro World Visualization: Virtual tour about SEE-GRID-SCI project internet video (Turkey) Interview in TV Pancevo (UOB) PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
ISGTW submissions Timeline to create the ISGTW articles: By the end the following applications are expected of the month to be submitted to iSGTW: M12 NMMC3D (from Seismo) M13 M14 Lizza-PAKP (from Env) M15 ELF (from Seismo) M16 MCSAES (from Env) M17 SDS (from Seismo) M18 MSERRHSA (from Env) M19 WRF-ARF (from Meteo) + FPS (from Seismo) M20 MSACM (from Env) + SRA (from Seismo) M21 GreenView (from Env) + MDSSP-WA (from Seismo) M22 CHERS (from Env) + REFS (from Meteo) PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
Dissemination and training events Dissemination events Official SEE-GRID portal Training events Official Training portal PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
NA3.4: Dissemination event statistics 1st year total number of SEE-GRID-SCI dissemination events: SEE-GRID-SCI focused dissemination events: Dissemination events organized externally from the SEE-GRID-SCI consortium. (Participation with presentation, posters and other dissemination materials on external events): ? Dissemination event for Meteorologists, ?? , ??,Greece PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
Past Event: SEE-GRID-SCI User Forum 2009 SEE-GRID-SCI User Forum 2009 Regional dissemination/training event, Istanbul, Turkey, December 2009 (2 full days) Regional workshop for Earth Sciences (3 VOs) Large event: end users, application developers were attended Invited keynote speakers from external communities EGEE/EELA/etc. User/developer training for Earth Science communities (all 3 VOs) (1 day) Proceedings published Training and scientific presentation materials are available online PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
NA3.5 - Organize and participate in technical workshops and training events Overall training event statistics Total number of training events delivered: 34 Total number of participants attending events: 535 Regional training events Regional SEE-GRID-SCI Training for Site Administrators, , Belgrade, Serbia Training of Meteorologists from RS, BA, and ME, , Belgrade, Serbia SEE-GRID-SCI Training: Grid for Earth Sciences, , Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey Georgian-Armenian Regional Meteorology Workshop in Georgia., , Tbilisi, Georgia Grid Developer/Administrator Training, , Tbilisi, Armenia National training events: PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
NA3.5 - Organize and participate in technical workshops and training events (contd.) Training events per partner during 1 st year Old slide PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
Training Events (status) Actual Planned (from event calendar) PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
NA3.5 - Organize and participate in technical workshops and training events (contd.) VO specific training events: Dedicated Seismology VO trainings (1) Dedicated Environmental VO trainings (4) + 2 Dedicated Meteo VO trainings (3) +2 Multi VO trainings (1) + 3 PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
NA3.5 - Organize and participate in technical workshops and training events (contd.) Targeted audience Audience1st year2nd yearSummary of the whole project End users139End users22 Application developers117Application developers18 Site administrators44 8 PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
Coming Training events National grid administrator training, , Technical University of Moldova Env. Prot. VO training event on ESIP and GreenView final versions, , Cluj-Napoca, Romania Grid Developer/Administrator Training (Armenia), , Tbilisi, Armenia Grid end-user training (Seismo+ Env. Prot. VOs), , Budapest, Hungary PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
NA3.8 – Standardization of SEE- GRID-SCI training materials Training Material Repository SEE-GRID-SCI Training Centre Training Material collection available for: Grid Induction Courses Grid Administration Courses Grid Application Developer Courses VO specific materials available Seismology VO Introduction Training Material Environmental Prot. VO Introduction Training Material Meteorology VO Introduction Training Material VO-specific training materials Compilation in progress (some materials still missing) PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
Coming Dissemination Events Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2010, February 2010, Zabljak Montenegro 5th EGEE User Forum, Uppsala, Sweden, April 12-15, 2010 ? out of funding… EGU 2010 (European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 02 – 07 May 2010) MIPRO 2010, Croatia PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
Action Points Register the passed and forthcoming missing dissemination events Finish the VO specific training materials Upload presentation materials to the Training website (some meteo materials still missing) Upload posters Information about some committed events are missing: Dissemination event for Meteorologists, , Greece National training event for Grid operators, , Bucharest, Romania Env. Prot. VO training event on ESIP and GreenView final versions, , Cluj-Napoca, Romania VO-specific training material compilation in progress Need to collect the scientific work of the project: Scientific material/paper query will be distributed, please update it PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
Thank you… PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.