Can We End World Hunger? Malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies? Golden rice is genetically modified rice that now contains a large amount of A-vitamins. Or more correctly, the rice contains the element beta-carotene which is converted in the body into Vitamin-A. So when you eat golden rice, you get more vitamin A. Beta-carotene gives carrots their orange color and is the reason why genetically modified rice is golden. For the golden rice to make beta- carotene three new genes are implanted: two from daffodils and the third from a bacterium Advantages: The rice can be considered a particular advantage to poor people in underdeveloped countries. They eat only an extremely limited diet lacking in the essential bodily vitamins. The consequences of this restricted diet causes many people to die or become blind. This is particularly true in areas of Asia, where most of the population live on rice from morning to evening. Are there any disadvantages?
Artificial Breeding Hybridization Genetic engineering Cell transformation Genetically Modified Food Transgenic Gene pharming Cloning
ArtificialArtificial selection is the intentional breeding for certain traits, or combinations of traits, over others Selective breeding is an example of artificial selection is the process when a breeder (of animals) develops a cultivated breed over time, and selecting qualities within individuals of the breed that will be best to pass on to the next generation
Hybridization Crossing dissimilar individuals to bring together the best of both organisms Example – crossing a disease resistant plant with a food-producing plant Result – a plant that the farmers need to increase food production
Method Used Cell transformation Is the genetic alteration of a cell resulting from the uptake and expression of foreign genetic material (DNA). Genetic engineering, Recombinant DNA technology Genetic modification/manipulation (GM) Gene splicing are all terms that are applied to the direct manipulation of an organism's genes
Genetic engineering has four main steps: 1.Isolation of the genes of interest from donor 2.Insertion of the genes into a vector 3.Transformation of cells of organism to be modified 4.Tests to isolate genetically modified organism (GMO)
GeneticallyGenetically modified (GM) foods have had their DNA altered through genetic engineering GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. The most common modified foods are derived from plants: soybean, corn, canola and cotton seed oil.
The next GM crops included insect-protected cotton and herbicide-tolerant soybean both of which were commercially released in GM crops have been widely adopted in the United States. The first commercially grown genetically modified whole food crop was the Flavr Savr tomato, which was made more resistant to rotting by Californian company Calgene
Genetic Engineering Or Gene splicing Or Gene manipulations
pharming Gene pharming is a technology that scientists use to alter an animal's own DNA, or to splice in new DNA, called a transgene, from another species. Livestock such as cattle, sheep, goats, chickens, rabbits and pigs have already been modified in this way to produce several useful proteins and drugs.
Cloning is the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. This means that every single bit of DNA is the same between the two clickandclone clonequiz
1.Medical Purposes 2.Reviving endangered species and extinct species 3.Reproducing a deceased pet 4.Cloning humans?????
As a family physician, you often treat children who suffer from infectious diseases that could easily be prevented through vaccination. But the parents of many of your patients cannot afford the cost of vaccinations. You hear of a new approach that would reduce the cost to a fraction of its current price: genetically modified fruits and vegetables that contain various vaccines. By simply eating a banana, a child could be protected against disease - without getting a shot !