SMART boards SMART response systems Ladybug document camera Desktop/Laptop Computers Personal Device (PD) Bring your own headphones. (student agenda p. 6)
Instruction Activities and Games Presentations Pretests/Surveys Formative Assessments Benchmark Assessments
Instruction Research (media links) Activities and Games Web Quests Log-in with student # & password (can be reset by teacher) eClass – academic courses, online textbooks, grades, etc…
Must have signed agreement to have access through GCPS Wifi Devices must be off during the school day until your teacher gives you permission to turn them on for an instructional activity in that class Access Wifi with BMS log-in & password (can be reset by teacher)
GCPS Student Handbook p. 30 Technology used for educational purposes only. Your access is NOT private or confidential in any way. Access is a privilege, not a right…treat this learning tool with respect.
What is a digital footprint?