BTT20I Topic: If I had a million dollar what would I do with it.
I will give some charity to the poor
Donate some money to my mosque buy lot of Quran When donating money to Mosque Allah with open the path for you and your family.
6/4/2016 donate some to a Islamic School donate money to public school
6/4/2016 Give my grandmother some grandmother cook the best food
6/4/2016 In this world most children must be thankful to have a mother and a father. Give my mother and daddy
6/4/2016 Give some to my sister to go and study in university
6/4/2016 I will buy food Do shopping watch movie at the theater
BIBI HANIFF CODE:BTT2O1 Topic: If I had a billion dollar what would you do with the money
SEND MONEY TO AFRICA AND HELP THE POOR o Help the children in Africa help Africa children to smile and play
MONEY FOR MYSELF I will go to hajj A city in Makka
JUST DON’T DONATE MONEY ALONE TO ORPHAN BUT ALSO BUY CLOTHS AND COOK FOOD UNIVERSITY OR COLLEGE Give children a change to live a life like a normal human being. Donate money to orphan
CHILDREN CARE WITH CANCER Give some amount of money towards children cancer. give children the happiness in life show lots of love and care
MY DREAM PLACE TO VISIT I will go and visit Indian Different places like Mumbai Delhi
UNIVERSITY OR COLLEGE Pay for University or College university
BIBLIOGRAPHY makkah/ makkah/ en/children_cancer_faq/children_s_cancer_faq.aspx en/children_cancer_faq/children_s_cancer_faq.aspx