This is a PowerPoint all about Energy!!
A light bulb is : A type of light we put in the celling to get a brighter place. It is very useful.
A electricity circuit board is: A board that you put batteries or light bulbs in to make something work.
A Battery is: A thing that you put in a something that runs on batteries which makes those things work. A Battery is: A thing that you put in a something that runs on batteries which makes those things work.
Michael Faraday was an English chemist and physicist (or natural philosopher, in the terminology of the time) who contributed to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry.
A wind Turbine is: A power source that is used for making energy!
A solar Panel is: A type of thing you put on top of your roof so you can get Energy!
A Geothermal Plant is: a factory that makes energy(I think )
A Solar Farm is: Cells which convert sunlight into electricity.
A electric car is: A car that only runs on batterys and energy. It does not run on gas like other cars.
A parallel circuit is: A closed circuit in which the current divides into two or more paths before recombining to complete the circuit
A motor is: A machine that converts other forms of energy into mechanical energy.
A filament is a very small natural fibers
Crocodile clips are clips you use to generate energy to a car.
A in insulator is a material such as glass with electrical things in it.
Climate change is when the weather changes.Example: If its sunny for an hour then it starts to rain.
An oil rig is A machine used for drilling to get oil.
Google Google definitions. Some help from Ana!! G oogle G oogle definitions. S ome help from Ana!!