plan 1.The GANIL and SPIRAL I RIBs facility safety and radiation protection 2.The LINAG project
GANIL Stable beams from C to U Maximum energy 95 AMeV Intensity pps (6 kW) RIB production in-flight method : SISSI and LISE ISOL method : SPIRAL I (SIRa)
SPIRAL I Primary beams From C 95 AMeV to Kr 68 AMeV Power max 6 kW (1.5 kW) Target C ECR ion source 15 days of irradiation Secondary beams No restriction in mass Emax = 25 AMeV
SPIRAL I target source
Activation and Dose rate calculation ( EPAX )
Dose rate measurement calculation Calculation measure
Cooling water activation Dose rate 25 µSv/h at 30 cm during operation (13C 75 AMeV 1.5kW) After one year 45 kBq/l
Radioactive release Normal conditions 1.Air activation by neutrons (radioactive gases short life) 2.Storage of gases from vacum system Accidents Air Ventilation system with high efficiency filtre Impact of the SPIRAL facility : 0.06 µSv/year
Airborne activation neutron Air activity A max = Bq/m3 (gaz) and 60 Bq/m3 (aerosol) for 1.5 kW 13 C 75 AMeV beam After beam shut traces (1 Bq/cm 2 )
LINAG project
Goals Production of RIB’s from fission products using ISOL method Deuterons beam 40 MeV, 5 mA (200 kW) C converter for neutron production UCx production target > fissions/s Irradiation time 3 months
Converter and Target activation Calculations performed with LAHET MCNP CINDER code : Total activity Activity by radioactivity ( , and ) and species (gases, …) Dose rate During irradiation and after decay time
Converter and target calculation U Target density2.3 g/cm 3 11 g/cm 3 Total activity (Bq) Total activity (Bq) after 1 year activity (Bq) Tritium activity (Bq) Dose rate (µSv/h at 1 m) Dose rate (µSv/h at 1 m) after 1 year
Converter Plug
Containment of volatile radioactivity
Gases production Noble gases and elements with T boiling > 2000°C Define decay time for the releast Time after beam shut (month) 0112 Activity gases (Bq)
Neutron production
General siting