TITLE I, PART D STATE PLANS John McLaughlin Federal Coordinator for the Title I, Part D Program NDTAC Conference May
Overview Title I, Part D (TIPD) State plans Leading indicators Goal-setting December 16,
TIPD State Plans TIPD Statute and Nonregulatory Guidance o Plan development – Statute (Sections 1414(a)(1) and (2)) and Nonregulatory Guidance (Section F-1)Sections 1414(a)(1) and (2)Section F-1 o Plan revisions – Statute (Section 1414(a)(3)) and Nonregulatory Guidance (Section F-2)Section 1414(a)(3)Section F-2 Monitoring o Office of Safe and Healthy Students Monitoring Plan for Homeless and Neglected or Delinquent Education Programs – Dec (TIPD indicator 2.1) Leading indicators implementation 3
TIPD State Plans – Development SUBPART 1: SEC STATE PLAN AND STATE AGENCY APPLICATIONS a. STATE PLAN— 1. IN GENERAL—Each State educational agency that desires to receive a grant under this subpart shall submit, for approval by the Secretary, a plan— for meeting the educational needs of neglected, delinquent, and at- risk children and youth; for assisting in the transition of children and youth from correctional facilities to locally operated programs; and that is integrated with other programs under this Act or other Acts, as appropriate. 4 TIPD Statute (Sections 1414(a)(1) and (2))
F-1. What is required in the Subpart 1 State plan? To receive Subpart 1 funds, an SEA must submit to ED either 1) an individual plan in accordance with section 1414(a) of ESEA or 2) a consolidated plan that meets the requirements of section 9302 of ESEA. The plan must describe the program goals, objectives, and performance measures that will be used to assess the effectiveness of the program. The SEA must provide assurances that the agency will both monitor and evaluate subgrantees. 5 TIPD State Plans – Development TIPD Nonregulatory Guidance (Section F-1)
TIPD State Plans – Revisions SUBPART 1: SEC STATE PLAN AND STATE AGENCY APPLICATIONS a. STATE PLAN— 3. DURATION OF THE PLAN—Each such State plan shall— remain in effect for the duration of the State's participation under this part; and be periodically reviewed and revised by the State, as necessary, to reflect changes in the State's strategies and programs under this part. 6 TIPD Statute (Sections 1414(a)(3))
F-2. May a State plan be revised? Yes. The statute allows for plans to be reviewed and revised periodically by States. However, if substantive changes are made to a State plan, those changes must be submitted to ED for approval. ED has approval from OMB to request updates periodically but has not done so for Title I, Part D. 7 TIPD State Plans – Revisions TIPD Nonregulatory Guidance (Section F-2)
TIPD State Plans – Subpart 2 8 TIPD State plans for S2 programs Section 1401 on program purposes and authorization lists main areas that Subpart 2 plans should address: high-quality education standards; successful transitions; and dropout prevention Integration with other related programs (e.g., at-risk programming, special education, CTE) Title I, Part A coordination o Consolidated State and LEA plans should address the needs of N or D students (Section 1111 and 1112)
Leading Indicators – Overview Relationship with logic model process 11 indicators developed by ED % long-terms students served (90+ days) with pre/post-test scores in reading (Subparts 1/2) % long-terms students served (90+ days) with pre/post-test scores in mathematics (Subparts 1/2) % students who enrolled in school after exit (Subparts 1/2) % students earning high school course credits (Subparts 1/2) Attendance rates (Subparts 1/2) Calculation of your own annual targets and measures or performance on GPRA measures 9
Leading Indicators – Implementation Baseline: FY14 baseline data calculated by NDTAC (Sept. 2014) and shared with OESE (Oct. 2014) Next steps: Eight academic transition indicators (State/local) to be discussed during monitoring/calls with States Begin preparing with NDTAC from FY16 to develop annual targets, workplans to achieve them, and evaluation processes to adjust targets and workplans 10
Goal-Setting On an annual basis: o Review the past year’s goals and data o Reconcile previous goals attained or not o Establish goals that are a grounded stretch for the next performance year, including your own State-specific goals as needed 11
Thank You John McLaughlin Federal Program Manager December 16,