Blue Beech Carpinus caroliniana. Classification KingdomPlantaePlants SubkingdomTracheobiontaVascular plants SuperdivisionSpermatophytaSeed plants DivisionMagnoliophytaFlowering.


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Presentation transcript:

Blue Beech Carpinus caroliniana

Classification KingdomPlantaePlants SubkingdomTracheobiontaVascular plants SuperdivisionSpermatophytaSeed plants DivisionMagnoliophytaFlowering plants ClassMagnoliopsidaDicotyledons SubclassHamamelididae OrderFagales FamilyBetulaceaeBirch Family GenusCarpinus L.hornbeam SpeciesCarpinus caroliniana Walter Blue Beech Figure 1: Classification Table

Shape, Form, Type The Blue Beech tree may grow for 20 to 30 feet, and may spread as wide to 20 to 30 feet. It is oval in shape and symmetrical in form, its growth rate is slow, and it has a medium texture. [1] Figure 2: Blue Beech tree

Bark and Twig The bark of the Blue Beech Tree is muscle-like, smooth, gray and fluted. [2] The twigs are of a reddish, brown color, and they are usually thin and droopy. [2] Figure 3: Bark of Blue Beech Tree Figure 4: Blue Beech tree twig

Leaf The leaves of a Blue Beech tree are pinnately simple, the blade varies from 2 to 4 inches, the shape is ovate or oblong, they are toothed along the edge, and the arrangement is alternate. The underside of the leaf may be hairy or smooth. The color of the leaf is green and it varies from red, yellow, and orange, in the fall. [2] Figure 5: Blue Beech tree leaves

Bud The bud of the Blue Beech tree is ovate in shape, usually a chestnut brown color. They tend to be one-eighth of an inch long. [3] Figure 6: Bud of Blue Beech tree

Flower and Fruit The Blue Beech flower can be orange or yellow, then tend to not be showy and are inconspicuou s. [4] The Fruit of the Blue Beech Tree are elongated and oval in shape, and vary from.5 to 1 inch long, they are dry and hard and brown in color. They attract birds and squirrels and are not showy. [4] Figure 7: Flower of Blue Beech tree Figure 8: Fruit of Blue Beech tree

Habitat and Range The Blue Beech tree is native to eastern United States up to Canada, its extends westward just beyond the Mississippi River from north-central Minnesota to the Missouri River. It grows throughout the south down to the Gulf Coastal Plain. It is also found in central and southern Mexico, Guatemala, and western Honduras. [5] Figure 9: the range of Blue Beech tree

Uses The wood of a Blue Beech is strong and hard, but the tree is too small to be harvested for the manufacture of wood products. The wood is good for tool handles, levers, and mallets, and it’s a good food source for gray Squirrels. [6] Figure 10: Mallets made of Blue Beech tree

References of data 1.Shape, form, and type-  University of Florida. Date Retrieved: 6/22/2010  Bark, Twig, leaf- o University of Florida. Date Retrieved: 6/22/2010 o Bud-  Wikipedia. Date retrieved 6/22/ Flower and Fruit-  Edward f. Gilman. Dennis g. Watson. Date retrieved 6/22/ Habitat and Range-  F. T. Metzger. Date retrieved: 6/22/ Uses-  Blue beech. Carpinus caroliniana. Date Retrieved: 6/22/

References of Pictures Figure 1:Classification Table-  Plants Topics. USDA. Date Retrieved: 6/22/ Figure 2: Blue Beech Tree-  Town of Huntersville. Tree List. Date retrieved: 6/22/ Figure 3: Bark of Blue Beech Tree-  L. Rosenberg. Date retrieved: 6/22/ Figure 4: Blue Beech tree twig-  ODNR. Carpinus caroliniana. Date Retrieved: 6/22/ Figure 5: Blue Beech leaves-  Stephen M. Sieberling. Date Retrieved: 6/22/ Figure 6: Bud of Blue Beech-  Plant Taxonomy. Key to Winter Twigs. Date Retrieved: 6/22/ Figure 7: Flower of Blue Beech Tree-  Steve Baskauf. Date Retrieved: 6/22/ Figure 8: Fruit of Blue Beech Tree-  Woody Plant Seed Manual. Date retrieved; 6/22/ Figure 9: Range of Blue Beech tree-  Western North Carolina Nature Center. Date Retrieved: 6/22/ Figure 10: mallets made from Blue Beech-  The Best things. Traditional Wooden Carver’s and Joiner’s Mallets. Date Retrieved: 6/22/