Delaware’s Performance Appraisal System for Administrators DPAS 2.5 Jacquelyn O. Wilson, Ed.D. University of Delaware Director Delaware Academy for School Leadership College of Education and Human Development
Skills and Behaviors ISLLC STANDARDS Recruitment, Licensure, Hiring Coaching Retention Performance Evaluation Pre-Service Preparation College of Education and Human Development 1 University Programs Aspiring Leader Programs District Succession Planning Professional Development for Licensure Renewal Feedback
Delaware Performance Appraisal System for Administrators DPAS II Phase 2DPAS 2.5 Phase 3 Pilot Training Scale Annual Evaluation PSB Work Group Policies RTTT Revised Policy Training Coaching Audits DPAS 2 Phase 1 College of Education and Human Development 2
Component 1: Vision and Goals Component 2: Culture of Learning Component 3: Management Component 4: Professional Responsibilities Component 5: Student Improvement 360 Survey Aligned to the ISLLC Standards College of Education and Human Development 3 Delaware Performance Appraisal System
1. Vision & Goals Assessing data Implementing vision and goals Promoting vision and goals Communicating vision and goals 2. Culture of Learning Advocating a culture of learning Monitoring the culture of learning Sustaining the culture of learning Maintaining the culture of learning College of Education and Human Development 4
3. Management Solving problems or concerns Managing resources Complying with policies Protecting the welfare and safety of students and staff 4. Professional Responsibilities Maintaining professional relationships Promoting family and community involvement Demonstrating fairness Growing and developing professionally College of Education and Human Development 5
Component 5 ( ) Showing Student Improvement: Administrator uses school or district goals from the school or district improvement process to set his or her personal annual data-driven goal(s) for student improvement. Data used to establish goals shall include school or district accountability data, State Assessment data, and other assessment data where available. Measuring Student Improvement: Administrator has specific, measurable evidence to show progress towards or attainment of goal(s) for student improvement. College of Education and Human Development 6
Implementing Strategies for Student Improvement: Administrator designs and implements appropriate strategies to show progress towards or attainment of goal(s) for student improvement. Reflecting on Student Improvement: Administrator reflects on goal setting process and outcomes for the purpose of continuous professional improvement and shares student improvement information with other staff as appropriate. College of Education and Human Development 7
Rating: Superintendents or their designees may set the cut points for individual administrators’ performance ratings (unsatisfactory, effective, and highly effective). Goals, targets, and actual performance data will be recorded under Component 5 in the Summative Evaluation Form. College of Education and Human Development 8 Component 5 considered “too vague” and was not being implemented equitably across districts resulting in changes to meet rigor of RTTT
Showing Student ImprovementSchool/District-wide DCAS Measures Measuring Student Improvement School/District-wide Success Plan Measures Measuring Strategies for Student Improvement Reflecting on Student Improvement College of Education and Human Development 9
School/District-wide DCAS Measures Percent of subgroups meeting state and/or district Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) for ELA and mathematics under ESEA Flexibility OR Percent of subgroups meeting state and/or district AYP targets. Targets must be aligned with state targets for each subgroup or the school or district’s Success Plan targets (each target may be met using absolute or growth performance – all business rules for AYP apply) College of Education and Human Development 10
School/District-wide Success Plan Measures The district has flexibility in determining which School/District- wide Success Plan Measures indicators will be used; however, there shall be at least two measures used. Measures are to be selected from the school or district Success Plan and relevant to the administrator’s responsibilities. College of Education and Human Development 11
Starts with Goal Setting and a Review of Data Strategies Targets Evidence Formative feedback conferences and progress monitoring throughout year 360 Survey administered in Spring DPAS II Delaware e-survey or VAL-ED Ends with a summative conference to determine progress on goals and a review of data College of Education and Human Development 12
Training, Coaching & Monitoring E-Learning Modules & Assessment s Technical Assistance Manuals Regional Training Frameworks Conferencing Skills Developing & Monitoring Improvement Plans Expert Evaluators Districts & Charter Schools DDOE Audits College of Education and Human Development 13
Stakeholder involvement throughout the design and implementation process of a principal evaluation system College of Education and Human Development 14
College of Education and Human Development 15 Pilot the system Collect regular feedback from participants using an external evaluator….. and make changes if necessary based on the feedback to improve the system
Select measures that are: rigorous but fair directly tied to the work of the principal Encourages professional growth College of Education and Human Development 16
State Data System District Data System School Data System Formative & Summative Assessments RTI Quarterly Benchmarks State Assessments School Success Planning /Goals Monitoring CIA Teacher Evaluation Discipline/Attendance Parent Engagement Finance Equity College of Education and Human Development 17 Implications of Data Collection
PRINCIPALS NEED TRAINING College of Education and Human Development 18
Contact Information Jacquelyn O. Wilson (office) (cell) College of Education and Human Development 19