Foundation of Higher Education Disaster Research Emergency Management Homeland Security Research Colloquium Accreditation Honor Society FEMA Higher Ed Conference June 7, 2007
Foundation of Higher Education 1. State of the Foundation Report. Kay Goss, CEM ® 2.Accreditation. Daryl Spiewak, CEM ® 3.Honor Society. Dorothy Miller Michael Kemp 4.Next Steps. Valerie Lucus. CEM ® History Accreditation Honor Society Next Foundation of Higher Education - Agenda
History Every year, we conclude that the emergency management programs in higher education have flourished to the point that over time our challenge is to insure that those programs that you have worked so hard to develop and deliver will be recognized and rewarded – and so that potential emergency management students will know which programs offer them the academic background they need and seek. History Accreditation Honor Society Next Foundation of Higher Education
History - Getting Off the Dime Several of us said, “Why don’t we start doing something in that direction?” George Bernard Shaw: “Some people see things as they are and ask why. Others see things as they should be and ask why not.” Formed the Foundation of Higher Education Accreditation for Emergency Management/ Homeland Security. History Accreditation Honor Society Next Foundation of Higher Education
501c(3) Foundation Section 1. Purpose. To facilitate and support the efforts of students, researchers, academicians, administrators and practitioners to develop standards that will strengthen the disaster/emergency management and homeland security profession. Section 2. Vision. FoHE is dedicated to excellence in teaching; research and public outreach in disciplines contributing to the disaster phases and the security of the homeland; and to becoming the premier organization promoting collaborative opportunities between the public, private and academic communities. History Accreditation Honor Society Next Foundation of Higher Education
History – The Last Year Our last year has been one of regrouping due to Craig Marks’ untimely death. Tribute: Craig kept our records, handled our administration, served as our facilitator, even accelerant, when we needed it, always maintained daily momentum, and was a great friend/partner to all gathered here. Foundation of Higher Education History Accreditation Honor Society Next
FoHE Board So Far; We Need More Kay, Daryl, Valerie, and Dorothy are officers Dr. R. Allen Smith Dr. Mary Ann Rollans Dr. Craig Zachlod Dr. Derin Ural Dr. David McEntire Michael Kemp, student representative Foundation of Higher Education History Accreditation Honor Society Next
Accreditation With Daryl Spiewak in the lead, we developed an initial set of standards that incorporated NFPA 1600, NIMS, NRP, and other emergency management basics. Arkansas Tech University volunteered to be the first institution to let us see how these standards would play out in a realistic setting. They became the first to be accredited through the process and contributed greatly to further refinement. Foundation of Higher Education History Accreditation Honor Society Next
Honor Society With Dorothy Miller in the lead we developed an Honor Society (Epsilon Pi Phi) and now have several institutions in the process of establishing chapters, such as California University of Pennsylvania, Arkansas Tech University, City University of New York John Jay College, North Dakota State University, among others. Foundation of Higher Education History Accreditation Honor Society Next
Communications and Website With Valerie Lucus in the lead, we have the beginnings of a website and a communications strategy. Last November, Valerie briefed the IAEM Training and Education Committee at the annual conference. Cortez Lawrence offered advice on grant funding, which are pursuing in partnership with Arkansas Tech University and ESRI. Foundation of Higher Education History Accreditation Honor Society Next
Staffing All of us are donating our time, of course. We have discussed the possibility of hiring Beth Armstrong’s company to staff the foundation and that will happen when funds are available. She has graciously offered to assist in the interim. Ideally, if the world should end and Wayne retires, we would be able to install him as the Chancellor for the Foundation and be in a position for all of us in this room to insure that our annual conference and our joint efforts could continue, regardless of what external factors arise. Foundation of Higher Education History Accreditation Honor Society Next
The Future is Up to You We need you. For help with building a better foundation. For peer assessors. For training assessors. For institutions that would like to undergo accreditation. For board membership. Foundation of Higher Education History Accreditation Honor Society Next
The Future is Up to You We have sign up sheets for board members and for institutions that are ready to have an accreditation team come to their campus. Here is the best part of the presentation Daryl, Valerie, and Dorothy! Foundation of Higher Education History Accreditation Honor Society Next
Foundation of Higher Education Accreditation Program Accredits emergency management programs and NOT institutions. Applies to programs worldwide. Evaluates alternate delivery methods. Bases educational standards on emergency management practices defined by NFPA History Accreditation Honor Society Next
Foundation of Higher Education Twenty-Three Standards 1-4 General educational program Emergency management program Resources impacting educational quality. History Accreditation Honor Society Next
Foundation of Higher Education General Education Standards Curriculum Structure. Professional Values. Professional Business Practices. Written and Oral Communications. History Accreditation Honor Society Next
Foundation of Higher Education Emergency Management Standards Laws and Authorities Hazards Prevention Mitigation Resource Management Mutual Aid Planning Direction, Control and Coordination Communication and Warning Operations Logistics and Facilities Training Exercises Crisis Communication and Public Information Finance and Administration History Accreditation Honor Society Next
Foundation of Higher Education Resource Standards Faculty. Facilities. Administration. Assessment. History Accreditation Honor Society Next
Foundation of Higher Education Accreditation Process Simplified Process. Request site visit. 2-3 day site visit by peer evaluators. Review by Standards Council. Receive accreditation report. History Accreditation Honor Society Next
Foundation of Higher Education Accreditation Process Regular Process. Application and enrollment fee. Self-study. Request site visit. Prepare for site visit team. Site visit by peer evaluators. Review by Standards Council. Receive accreditation report. History Accreditation Honor Society Next
Foundation of Higher Education Accreditation Process Results Compliance. Fully accredited for five years. Partial compliance. Minor weaknesses needing improvement. Non-compliance. Critical weaknesses. Feedback will aid in the program’s development towards meeting the standards. History Accreditation Honor Society Next
Foundation of Higher Education Epsilon Pi Phi Purpose. Specialized academic honor society for Emergency Management, Disaster Research and Science, Homeland Security and Business Continuity Planning. History Accreditation Honor Society Next ε π φ
Foundation of Higher Education Epsilon Pi Phi Mission. Strive for the reward, advancement and recognition of EM/HS as a discipline and encourage high standard of excellence. History Accreditation Honor Society Next ε π φ
Foundation of Higher Education Epsilon Pi Phi Membership. Maintain 3.5 on 4.0 in major. Must be enrolled in or graduated from a program at an accredited university. History Accreditation Honor Society Next ε π φ
Foundation of Higher Education Epsilon Pi Phi Accredited institution Membership requirements Faculty Advisor to chapter Annual activity Board of Directors elected Annual Fee: $100 History Accreditation Honor Society Next National Chapter. No local chapter and/or alumni members. Requirements. ε π φ
Foundation of Higher Education Epsilon Pi Phi First Chapter!! California University of Pennsylvania History Accreditation Honor Society Next ε π φ
Foundation of Higher Education Epsilon Pi Phi History Accreditation Honor Society Next 2007 GOALS: 1.Four new chapters. 2.Integrate with IAEMSA Chapters – Roadmap for Success. 3.Future partnerships/opportunities. 4.Offer continuity in the accreditation/certification GAP. FoHE Emergency management programs. Honors Society Entry level. CEM Practitioners. EMAP Municipalities. ε π φ
Foundation of Higher Education History Accreditation Honor Society Next Next Steps … Communication Web site. Interactive. Accept funds online. Funding. Administrative work. Grants-R-Us. Certification as accrediting organization.
Foundation of Higher Education Disaster Research Emergency Management Homeland Security Research Colloquium Accreditation Honor Society FEMA Higher Ed Conference June 7, 2007