Proposal for a Pooled Insurance Information System Exciting leaps in Insurance sector targeting and Risk Management
Introduction This presentation discusses the concept of a Pooled Insurance Information System and its applicability to today’s Insurance Market. Who are we? A specialist IT company called Bouchi Limited.
Topics of Discussion Brief overview of Bouchi Limited. Objectives of this Proposal. Discussion of some Issues facing the Insurance Industry. Discussion on how these issues can be addressed. How system will operate in practise. Technology and security. Future Enhancements. Next steps.
Bouchi Limited A dynamic IT infrastructure company registered in Ghana. Comprises of individuals with vast amount of years IT experience gained in the Insurance and Financial sectors in the UK. Working on simple innovative tools to improve businesses.
Bouchi Limited Personnel Director: Dominic Boachie Software specialist in Risk Management, Insurance and Financial sectors. Primary Consultants: Ade Idowu Software specialist with Microsoft Technologies in Financial sectors. Andrew Asamoah Database Specialist in Financial Sector.
Objectives of Proposal Present the concept of a pooled Insurance Information system. Discuss some of the needs currently facing the Insurance Industry. Discuss how this System will address those needs. Discuss the Security and Operational aspects of the system. Discuss how things will progress after this presentation.
Objectives of a Pooled Insurance Information System To facilitate knowledge and information sharing within the industry. To provide a fuller picture of risk positions of individual claimants. To help identify fraud within the industry. To help in targeting/aligning risk with demographic patterns. To help in the introduction and targeting of new products and services. To improve the decision making process within the industry.
Some current needs facing the Insurance Industry Need for a fuller picture of claimants across the industry. More information to help in the valuation of policies. Information to allow correct targeting and Pricing of policies. Ability to easily identify fraudulent claimants. Difficulty of introducing new products to target sectors/groups in the community.
How Bouchi Limited hopes to address some of these Insurance Industry needs To be the central point for collating and accessing industry wide insurance data. To provide simple, robust and secure database solutions To provide relevant results as and when requested.
How this will work in practise Full cooperation between Bouchi Ltd and a pool of Insurers. Insurers will subscribe to the service by providing both historic and current relevant information by an agreed process to Bouchi Ltd at Bouchi Ltd’s own cost. Bouchi Ltd will collate, clean and present data to subscribers. Bouchi Limited will levy a monthly charge to subscribers. There will be a 3 month free trial period for the service. Bouchi Ltd will be responsible for the Security and preservation of the pooled information Database.
Technology and Security System will be driven by ISO Standard Database Systems incorporating latest security features. System will be driven by request templates that will operate fairly in the Industry. Agreements will be put in place on what sort of information can be disclosed to requested parties.
Future Enhancements Database to include information from financial and other Industries. Enable wider range of products and services to the market place.
Next Steps Feedback about this Proposal. Agreement in principle to initiate. Detailed presentation of System. Demonstration of System Prototype.