Saint Bernadette By Julia Becker
Saint Bernadette Bernadette was born on April 16 Her feast day is February 18 She became a Saint because she had many visions with Mary and she loved and followed Mary’s words.
Saint Bernadette 3 important facts The Immaculate Conception visited her 18 times. Bernadette later became a nun. When Mary appeared to her she was just 14 years old.
Saint Bernadette I chose Bernadette because I pray to her a lot to help me to follow Mary’s words. To be more like Bernadette we should pray the rosary and follow Mary’s words.
Saint Bernadette O God, protector and lover of the humble, You bestowed upon your servant, Bernadette, the favor of beholding the Immaculate Virgin Mary and of talking with her. Grant that we may deserve to behold You in Heaven. Amen.
Saint Bernadette Beloved Child Everything she did was good Ran to Mary Never disobeyed her parents Always trying to find time to pray Didn’t give up Everyday she offered up her sufferings for God The Miraculous Spring cures sick people. The place she was born was in France. Everything she did was for God.
Saint Bernadette