The Scalp BY: DR. Yahya h. Alfarra
The Scalp Definition layers Muscle of scalp nerve supply of scalp Arterial supply of scalp Veins of scalp
The scalp فروه الرأس Definision: the tissue covering the skull which is formed of multiple layers.
Extention: eye brows (ant), highest nuchal line(post) temporal lines(laterally). Note: To assist one in memorizing the names of the five layers of the scalp, use each letter of the word SCALP to denote the layer of the scalp.
Layers 1- SkinSkin 2- Connective tissue 3- AponeurosisAponeurosis Note: Epicranial aponeurosis=occipitofrontalis Muscle+ the galea aponeurotica Epicranial aponeurosis=occipitofrontalis Muscle+ the galea aponeurotica. 4- Loose connective tissueLoose connective tissue 5- PeriosteumPeriosteum Note: - the superficial 3 layers are firmly united to each other and move as one layer.
2- conective tissue
3- Aponeurosis,(epicranial)Aponeurosis,(epicranial)
4-Loose connective tissueLoose connective tissue
Muscles of the scalp Occipitofrontalis muscle: formed of 4 bellies 2 occipital bellies (behind), 2 frontal bellies (infront) and the galea aponeurotica. between the frontal & occipital bellies. the galea aponeurotica
**2 frontal bellies: lies anteriorly origin: from epicranial aponeurosis Insertion: into skin of forehead **2 occipital bellies: lies posteriorly origin: from highest nuchal lines insertion: into epicranial aponeurosis
nerve supply: facial nerve (temporal & post. Auricular branches) Action: elevation of the eyebrows (surprise).
5 Nerves in front of auricle : 4 sensory + 1 motor 5 Nerves behind of auricle : 4 sensory + 1 motor Nerves of the scalp
5 artries enter the scalp on each side: 3 infront of auricle & 2 behind the auricle Arterial supply of the scalp
Supratrochlear and supraorbital arteries (from ophthalmic arteries ) Superficial temporal artery (terminal branch of ECA) Posterior auricualr artery (ECA) Occipitral artery (ECA)
Supratrochlear + supraorbital viens facial vien * Superficial temporal + maxillary vien retromandibualr vien * Post. Auricualr vien + post. Division of retromandibualr vien external jugualr vien *The Occipital vien. Viens of the scalp
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