The XYZ Affair
Questions from the video. 1.) What year was the XYZ affair? 2.) Who was the President during the XYZ affair. 3.) What did France do to show that they were angry with the United States? 4.) Why do you think France was angry with the United States? Did the U.S. owe France anything?
Questions from the video continued. 5.) What were the names of the three diplomats Adams sent to France? 6.) Who were refereed to as X, Y, Z? 7.) How much money did France want as a bribe?
Questions from the text. Text pages p.293,298, ) Was the President a Federalist or a Republican? 09.) What did this political party value? 10.) What does it mean to be neutral in a war? 11.) Did the American people want to go to war with France? 12.) How did Adams avoid war with France? 13.) Why did France agree to stop attacking American ships?
Cartoon Questions Using what you learned from answering the questions. Answer the 5W’s about the cartoon. Who-who are the people or groups involved in this picture? What-what is this cartoon about? Where-where do the events of this cartoon take place When-when was this cartoon drawn? Why-why was this cartoon drawn?