Fermi-Luttinger Liquid Michael Pustilnik, Georgia Tech Alex Kamenev in collaboration with Leonid Glazman, U of M Maxim Khodas, U of M Michael Pustilnik, Georgia Tech PRL 96, 196405 (2006); arXiv:cond-mat/0702.505 arXiv:cond-mat/0705.2015 RPMBT14, Jul., 2007
One-dimensional … M. Chang, et al 1996 Dekker et al 1997 Bockrath, et al 1997 Auslaender et al 2004 I. Bloch 2004
Spectral Function
d>1: Fermi Liquid Energy relaxation rate: The same for holes Spectral density: Energy relaxation rate: interaction potential The same for holes
d=1 Spectral density: ? ? Energy relaxation rate:
Luttinger model Energy relaxation rate: Spectral density: Dzaloshinskii, Larkin 1973 Spectral density: Energy relaxation rate:
Luttinger model (cont) Haldane, 1983
1D with non-linear dispersion: Holes
1D with non-linear dispersion: Particles Energy relaxation rate: interaction potential Does not work for integrable models
Particles (cont) Fermi head with the Luttinger tail
Spectral Edges Shake up or X-ray singularity (cf. Mahan, Nozieres,…)
Structure Factor
Luttinger approximation Linear dispersion Exact result within the Luttinger approximation. How does the dispersion curvature and interactions affect the structure factor ?
Spectrum curvature + interactions Fourier components of the interaction potential V
AFM spin chain N 200. For this case we have calculated 2 200 000 form factors S. Nagler, et al 2005
1D Bose Liquid Bose-Fermi mapping (1D) Bosons with the strong repulsion = Fermions with the weak attraction – changes sign. Bose-Fermi mapping (1D) 1D hard-core bosons = free fermions (Tonks-Girardeau) Divergence at the upper edge Caux, Calabrese, 2006 Lieb-Liniger model, 1963 Constant-q scan
Structure factor: conclusions Power law singularities at the spectral edges (Lieb modes) with q-dependent exponents. Bosons Fermions
Fermi-Luttinger Liquid Hole’s mass-shell is described by the Luttinger liquid (with momentum-dependent exponent). Particle’s mass-shell is described by the Fermi liquid (with smaller relaxation rate). Spectral edges of the spectral function and the structure factor exhibit power-law singularities.
Summary of bosonic exponents Boson-Fermion mapping Hydrodynamics ?
Numerics (preliminary) Courtesy of J-S. Caux
Numerics (preliminary) Courtesy of J-S. Caux