This Webquest is for high school students 9 th – 12 th. This Webquest will build your knowledge on the history and current events taking place in Paris.
Your task will be for you and a partner. You will do some research and such on important event’s and land marks throughout Paris. As you read about these different events and figures you and your partner will decide on who will be the reporter and who will be the average person just roaming around Paris.
1.) You will find what you will be discussing wheatear it’s a building or event. Then you research as much information as you can. 2.)Once you figure out what your doing, draw a political cartoon on your topic. 3.) Write out a dialog with two people, one person as a reporter & one as a common person. Discussing your different points of views on your topic. Your political cartoon is where you will come up with your ideas, questions and answers.
For picture idea’s: 1.) mages?q=france,+paris&gbv= 2&svnum=10&hl=en&start=20 &sa=N&ndsp=20 For Historical Events and Place’s: 1.) ch?hl=en&q=france%2C+paris &btnG=Google+Search 2.) can also get information from books!