JCW Nime Art working Cool web page Cool stuff There will be a picture soon.
Index Page Section to look through things. Many cool things to see. Many other things to see.
About us We are Asian that create the web page. If you are asking for our culture, we are Hmong. We are creating the web from our academy class in high school. The will be a picture here.
Company We are not being pay, but we are being support be our academy teacher. The worker are High school student. Picture of the company
Cheng Chang Designer A home worker. He support himself, but mostly his parent help him out. He enjoy playing game. Picture of worker will soon be here.
Wilson Song Manager Assistant He Hmong and known as Asian. Picture of worker
Jim Thou Cha Manager He’s cool and know a lot about Computer. There will be a picture here.
The cost of it It’ll be no charge to check the place out. If you want to buy, it’ll cost you. Plus you must pay for shipping and handling.
The location of our place There’s going to be a website sooner or later. You can check the producer or creator for the address. You can check for yourself at: There could be a picture here.
Service Review No phone number available. The best way is to look through the website.
Animated Preview There’s going to be some preview of cartoon. Cartoon animation will be available. There will be a preview picture
The Price The cost will be cheap. It’ll be around one dollars or over, just depend on the item that you are purchasing. There will be a picture of our yearly sale here.
Gallery Art work will be shown. Original art work will also be shown. Drawing will be on a menu. There will also be design. There will be picture here.
Music There will be weird music. Downloading music will be available. Music Theme will be available.
Customer Service If you have any question, please contact either one of the worker. If there’s a problem, let us know.
Information We will inform you about our web page. There will be warning sign if there is a problem.
Membership If you want to be one of the member, you can sign in. When you sign in, you must sign everything that’s available for you to sign.
Project Everything is about animation. You will not find anything else if it is not relative to anime. Design of all kind of things will be available.
Goody The stuff that we sale will not be professionally. We recommend you that you will find good thing on our web page.
Special things Project design. Work design. There will be a picture design here.
Ordering Order is not available yet. In the further future, there will be order price. Shipping, handling, taxes and everything should be pay by the customer.