Detection of vehicles on the other crossing path at an intersection: visual search performance of elderly drivers 學生:董瑩蟬
Purpose Investigated the differences age in peripheral vision detection performance The detection of the vehicle on a collision course and investigated the performance of peripheral vision and central vision allowing for head and eye movements.
Ball et al. found useful field of view (UFOV) could reduction of elderly drivers useful field of view (UFOV) could be a causative factor of the intersection accident. Isler et al. found older drivers were severely restricted in their ability to turn their head and evidenced a loss of visual functioning.
Method-experiment1 1.Subjects 28pepole-old group age 65~79(9M,6F,mean age71) young group age 20~50(11M,2F,mean age 32) Corrected –to-normal vision 2.Equipment 21-in CRT displays 20-in CRT display Computer (NEC PC-9801 RA)
Method-experiment1 3. Independent variables (IVs) –Age group –Visual angle 4.Dependent variables (DVs) –Collision course condition –Non-collision course condition –Control condition
5.Process –At each position, three video clips were presented three times in random order. –Subject was instructed to press a button when detected a vehicle presented on a side display by peripheral vision. –At the same time,subjects were look at a digit on front of display and press another button if the digit was an even number.
Method-experiment2 1.Subjects 28pepole-old group age 65~79(9M,6F,mean age71) young group age 20~50(11M,2F,mean age 32) Corrected –to-normal vision 2.Equipment 14-in CRT displays 20-in CRT display Computer (NEC PC-9801 RA)
Method-experiment2 3. Independent variables (IVs) –Age group –Visual angle 4.Dependent variables (DVs) –Peripheral search/frontal task –Free search
Method-experiment2 5.Process
Conclusions Older drivers have a higher risk of late detection of a vehicle on collision course if they only use peripheral vision. These checking eye movements to the periphery at intersections with good visibility are quite important, especially for elderly drivers.