By: Fred Lishman
“A national campaign to prevent species from becoming endangered and to nurture a new generation of wildlife stewards by securing funding for state- level nongame wildlife conservation and related education and recreation programs.”
A collaboration of more than 6,300 State Fish and Wildlife agencies. Wildlife biologists Hunters Anglers Birdwatchers Largest and most diverse team ever assembled in the support of wildlife conservation.
Assess declining species and their needs. Research species needs. Assemble together and take action.
The beginning of the 20 th century wildlife was in bad shape. Birds Mammals Fish. Sportsmen, Politicians and others accomplished a new conservation movement. Fish and game rebounded due to better regulations. Wildlife areas, and habitats were better protected and managed. Wildlife numbers thrived and were replenished.
The Success. Within the last century their main focus was on species that were hunted and fished. Or species that were identified as endangered. Help from grants and make their effort possible. State grants provide money to every state to help with the cause under the State Wildlife Grants Program. Also funding from state level on hunting and fishing licenses.
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