Based on a template from The WebQuest Page Anne Frank Anne Frank Webquest Authors: Alexis Bonner Noelle Lewis Carly Kus Patrick Dyer Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Based on a template from The WebQuest Page
Introduction Anne Frank Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
The Task Anne Frank Your quest is to create a journal entry to Anne Frank as if she were standing right in front of you. What would you say to her? What questions might you ask her? Additionally, you will decide on one item of importance or sentimental value that you would bring into hiding if you were in Anne’s shoes and tell her why. This is an individual assignment which will contribute to your personal journal in which you will create throughout this class. This assignment is required to be online through the use of a personal journal website of your choice. Note your site must be approved before beginning this assignment. For this assignment each student will present his or her entry regarding their personal item to the class. Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
The Process Step One: Anne Frank Title In order to complete the journal entry, you will first need to do some research on the Holocaust as an event. There are links below that will assist in this step. There are many other resources out there that will assist you in this project, but much of the information in the links below will help you and should give you a thorough overview of this topic. Once you have a thorough understanding of the Holocaust, you will then dive deeper into the life of someone who lived through this event, Anne Frank. There are more links that will tell you about her life and the role she played throughout the Holocaust. Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
The Process Step Two: Anne Frank Title Introduction Task Process Remember, your quest is to create an online personal journal entry to Anne Frank. Access the following online resources to develop your background information for the journal entry here: Penzu This site allows you to create your own personal online journal. Diary This site lets you create your own online personal journal using picture and words. Wikispaces This site allows you to create your own online writing platform. Your Life is Your Story This site explains what journal writing is. It shows you how to begin and how to make journal writing a meaningful experience. It has tips and examples of what a personal journal entry would look and sound like. Sample Journal Writing This site shows examples of sample journal entries with an analysis of each. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
The Process Step Three: Anne Frank The Process Step Three: Title Introduction Task The third step of your project is to pick an item, preferably from the 21st century, that you would bring into hiding if you were in Anne Frank’s shoes. You are only allowed to bring one item so it’s not too obvious that you are going into hiding. Then you must write a paragraph or two on your reasoning for bringing that item. Read more about Anne Frank’s hiding place in the links below to help you decide which item you find most useful: Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
The Process Step Four: Anne Frank Title Introduction Lastly, if you can bring in your personal item of importance then do so and present to the class the importance of the item and its value. If you are unable to bring in the item due to its size or awkwardness bring a picture instead. Make sure to also present your reasoning behind why you would bring this item. Also, present briefly on Anne Frank’s life and the holocaust in general. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Evaluation Anne Frank Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Beginning 1 Developing 2 Accomplished 3 Exemplary 4 Score Process Step 1: General Knowledge of the Holocaust Information presented is vague and inadequate. (0-5 points) Information presented from research is appropriate but needs significant revision. (6-10 points) Information presented from research is appropriate and adequate. (11-15 points) Information presented from research is appropriate, specific, and used in a creative manner. (16-20 points) Process Step 2: General Knowledge of Anne Frank Process Step 3: Personal Journal Entry Journal entry does not fulfill the requirement. Significant grammar and punctuation errors are present. (0-5 points) Journal entry begins to fulfill requirement. Minimal grammar and punctuation errors are present. (6-10 points) Journal entry fulfills requirement adequately. Minimal grammar and punctuation errors are present. (11-15 points) Journal entry fulfills the requirement. Thought and creativity are evident in the journal entry. Few or no grammar and punctuation errors are present. (16-20 points) Process Step 4: Personal Trunk Item and Reasoning . Item is not properly identified nor reasoned. Significant grammar and punctuation errors are present in reasoning paragraph. (0-5 points) Item is identified but not properly reasoned. Minimal grammar and punctuation errors are present in reasoning paragraph. (6-10 points) Item and reasoning requirements are fulfilled adequately. Minimal grammar and punctuation errors are present in reasoning paragraph. (11-15 points) Item and reasoning are creatively described and explained. Few or no grammar and punctuation errors are present in reasoning paragraph. (16-20 points) Presentation Research, trunk item, and reasoning are presented in unorganized careless manner. (0-5 points) Some but not all items (research, trunk item, and reasoning) are presented. (6-10 points) All items (research, trunk item, and reasoning) are presented adequately. (11-15 points) All items (research, trunk item, and reasoning) are presented creatively and clearly. (16-20 points) Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Conclusion Anne Frank As you have discovered, the Holocaust was one of the largest genocides in history. Through Anne Frank’s diary, we experience the struggles of the Holocaust personally. Learning about our past better prepares us for the future. This helps us understand that no one should be persecuted based on sex, religion, or ethnicity. Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Credits & References Anne Frank Title Introduction Task Process Anne Frank. (2013). Anne frank throws herself into writing. October 18, 2014. Anne Frank's history: The story of Anne Frank. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2014 Anne Frank House Museum. (2010, April 28). Anne Frank. Retrieved on October 20, 2014 from Anne Frank House Museum. (2010, April 28). The secret annex online. Retreived on October 20, 2014 from Biography. (2013). Anne Frank biography. October 18, 2014.!/people/anne-frank-9300892#synopsis Brownfield, R. (n.d.). A dust day gathering. Retrieved on October 20, 2014 from History. (2014). The holocaust. October 18, 2014. ii/the-holocaust. Holocaust Unit. (2012). 30 facts about the holocaust. October 18,2014. Gilbert, T. (2003, January 1). Journal Writing Ideas, how it helps you tell your story. Retrieved October 20, 2014. Wikispaces. (2005, January 1). Retrieved October 20, 2014, from Mimran, A. (n.d.). Penzu. Retrieved October 20, 2014, from Diary. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2014, from Rubistar. (n.d.). Retrieved on October 20, 2014 from Sample Journal Writing. (2005, February 15). Retrieved October 20, 2014, from The Anne Frank Center. (2013). Diary excerpts. October 18, 2014. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. (June 20, 2014). Introduction to the holocaust. October 18, 2014. Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits