Tax Professionals Strategic Alliance
Times are changing… Many tax preparation professionals have experienced a decline in sales (and profit) in the past years. Due to several factors including: Market saturation Supply and demand And more…
The #1 factor driving change…
Technology changes everything…
Our opportunity… Our opportunity is an ideal ‘add-on’. Our opportunity allows your practice to increase the number of sales (profits) they generate each month without having to increase the number of prospects or clients. Our opportunity does not compete with, but rather compliments most agency operations. Our opportunity can DRAMATICALLY increase the profitability of any agency without increasing costs. Our opportunity provides year-round income.
Independent Marketing Company Strategic Alliances Retirement Term Insurance Annuities Index Universal Life (IUL)
Our market…
What would this type of part-time income mean to your agency? Get started today building your business: Open 1 IUL per month for $200 monthly $ 1,200/mo.* Open 4 IULs per month for $200 monthly $4,800/mo.* Where else can your agency make this kind of money part-time? Revolutionary Compensation…
14 Infinity Builders Plan You become an RMD Leader and build/expand a team: Open 4 IULs a month personally... $6,144/mo. Build 5 Associates who each open 2 IULs a month... $8,160/mo. RMD Associate Base Shop Income $14,304/mo. Revolutionary Compensation…
Flexibility and Control… You retain control of all aspects of the business. You can get involved as much or as little as you want or are able to. You can be a single office operation or build a large network nationwide. This evolution will take place regardless, why not position yourself to benefit the most? Can your practice really afford to turn away a steady stream of monthly income? If this income was headed your way, when would you want it to begin?
The reality…
2 options…
Opportunity for all! $2,000 to $6,000+ year-round! Expand your client base! Bring more value to clients! Increase over-all success! In closing
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