Travel graphs Friday, 06 November 2015 Starter: June 05 Q1
Lesson Objective: Be able to: Read and interpret travel graphs Grade D work Outcomes: Must: Calculate distance travelled. Should: Calculate average speeds. Could: Write about the journey travelled.
Distance-time graphs In a distance-time graph the horizontal axis shows time and the vertical axis shows distance. For example, John takes his car to visit a friend. There are three parts to the journey: John drives at constant speed for 30 minutes until he reaches his friend’s house 20 miles away. He stays at his friend’s house for 45 minutes. He then drives home at a constant speed and arrives 45 minutes later. 0 time (mins) distance (miles)
Exe 14B Pages 305 to 308 Lesson Objective: Be able to: Read and interpret travel graphs Grade D Work Outcomes: Must: Calculate distance travelled. Should: Calculate average speeds. Could: Write about the journey travelled.