Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Programme of Measures D2 – Non-indigenous species D3 - Commercial fish & shellfish Peter Wright Lyndsay Brown.


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Presentation transcript:

Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Programme of Measures D2 – Non-indigenous species D3 - Commercial fish & shellfish Peter Wright Lyndsay Brown Helen Dobby

This presentation will cover Quick reminder of each Descriptor Overview of proposed measures Reminder of consultation questions

D2 – UK Characteristics of GES The risk from pathways and vectors which facilitate the introduction and spread of NIS as a result of human activities is significantly reduced, leading to a reduction in the risk of introducing new species, some of which may have adverse impacts

D2 – UK GES Targets Reduction in the risk of introduction and spread of non-native species through improved management of high risk pathways and vectors Action plans are developed for key high risk marine non-indigenous species by 2020

Existing measures will contribute towards the achievement of GES but more data is needed before we can say whether additional measures are required Lack of information on abundance, distribution and impacts D2 – Programme of Measures

D2 – Existing measures Legislation to restrict the release of NIS Wildlife and Countryside (Scotland) Act 1981 Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011 Scottish Control Orders Legislation that makes actions compulsory Code of Practice for NIS Applicable to Scotland, came into effect in July 2012 Invasive species action plans Coordinated through the GB Non Native Species Secretariat

D2 – Existing measures Commercial shipping Guidance on ballast water Biofouling Guidelines Aquaculture Legislation to control the use of NIS in aquaculture facilities Guidance on fish movements

D2 – Existing measures Recreational boating Green Blue initiatives Check-Clean-Dry campaign Natural dispersal IPIECA guidance for the oil and gas industry

D2 – Planned measures EU Invasive Alien Species Regulation Species of EU concern will be managed by Member States under a three-tiered system of Prevention Early warning and rapid response Management Invasive species action plans Didemnum vexillum, the invasive carpet sea squirt currently under development

D2 – Other measures Ballast Water Management Convention Adopted in 2004, not yet ratified Marine Pathways project Collaborative programme of work within the UK and Ireland Natura 2000 programme Protecting habitats

D3 – UK Characteristics of GES The level of stock mortality generated by fishing activity (F) is equal to or lower than FMSY - the level capable of producing Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). The spawning stock biomass is within safe biological limits and all stocks are sustainably exploited 11

D3 – UK GES Targets The exploitation rate of each stock is either at or below Fishing Mortality Rate - Maximum Sustainable Yield (FMSY), or within the range of plausible fishing mortalities consistent with FMSY. Where data does not allow F MSY, or FMSY proxies, to be calculated exploitation of each stock will be based on the precautionary approach with limits defined by agreed proxies for sustainable exploitation The reproductive capacity of the stock shall be maintained at, or above levels that will support the long term exploitation of stocks at FMSY, as indicated by spawning stock biomass of all stocks being above Biomass (Bpa) 12

D3 – Gaps Indicators and their reference levels for use in Commission Criterion 3.3 Population age and size distribution are still being developed. ICES scientists are reviewing indicators for three key population and fishery characteristics: 1.The size distribution of the species 2.The selection pattern of the fishery exploiting the species 3.The genetic effects of exploitation, e.g. changes in maturation and growth 13

D3 – Programme of Measures Commercially exploited fish managed by TACs which the UK has an obligation to record under DCF  the measures are expected to ensure GES is achieved 14

D3 – Existing & Planned Measures 15  Common Fisheries Policy is the principle mechanism for managing fish stocks  Multi annual plan  Total allowable catches and quotas  Regionalisation  Landing obligations  Technical measures  European Maritime and Fisheries Fund

D3 – Programme of Measures Commercially exploited shellfish (edible crabs, lobsters & scallops)  the measures are expected to contribute towards the achievement of GES but more data is needed before we can say whether additional measures are required. 16

D3 – Existing Measures 17 To limit fishing effort Shellfish entitlements Scallop entitlements EU Western waters efforts regime Prohibition of Fishing for Scallops Order Local management measures (i.e. IFCAs, IFGs*) To protect spawning stock EU technical measures Undersized edible crabs order Sea fisheries (shellfish) act Legislation to protect breeding lobsters Prohibition of Fishing for Scallops Order Local management measures (i.e. IFCAs, IFGs)

D3 – Planned Measures 18  Stock specific fishery management in English waters  Marine Scotland freezing some scallop entitlements & local (Orkney, Outer Hebrides) landing size restrictions for crab and lobsters  Welsh only fisheries legislation is being reviewed  Northern Ireland Inshore Fisheries Management Groups (IFMGs) established

What we are looking for Question 1: Are the proposed measures for the Descriptor sufficient to meet the requirements of the Directive? Question 2: Are there any additional existing or planned measures we have not included? Question 3: Are there any new measures that are needed? If so please provide details and evidence to show how they would contribute. Question 4: Are there any measures proposed that you think are not justified or that will not contribute? Question 5: Do you agree with the justifications provided for the use of exceptions under Article 14? Question 6: Are there any significant human activity-related pressures that are not addressed by the proposed measures? 19