Poetry What is a fixed number of lines of verse forming a unit poem? Sonnet Stanza Simile Tone
Poetry The feeling the reader gets from the writing? Mood Sonnet Pun Tone
Poetry Using words that imitate the sound they denote is? Onomatopoeia Dramatic poem Denotation Connotation nsw
Poetry The rhyme that occurs within a line of poetry? Ex: The cat in the hat was sad. Internal Rhyme Imagery Hyperbole Literal meaning
Poetry What is blank verse? Unrhymed verse usually in iambic pentameter. Unrhymed verse usually in iambic pentameter. A poem that does not tell a story but expresses the personal feelings or thoughts of a speaker. A poem that does not tell a story but expresses the personal feelings or thoughts of a speaker. The feeling the reader gets from writing. The feeling the reader gets from writing. Poetry that does not have a regular meter or rhyme scheme. Poetry that does not have a regular meter or rhyme scheme.
Julius CaesarJulius Caesar What holiday did the Romans celebrate at the tome of Caesars return? A Feast of Lupercal on February 15 A Feast of Lupercal on February 15 A Feast of Lupercal on February 14 A Feast of Lupercal on February 14 A Feast of Romans on February 5 A Feast of Romans on February 5 A Feast of Julius on February 2 A Feast of Julius on February 2
Julius CaesarJulius Caesar The Soothsayer says what to Caesar? “Beware of the Ides of March” “Beware that’s a vitious dog” “Beware by not leaving your house, you will be safe” “Beware by not leaving your house, you will be safe” “Beware Cassius for he will do you wrong” “Beware Cassius for he will do you wrong”
Julius CaesarJulius Caesar Who tries to convince Caesar to stay home? Calpurnia Brutus Soothsayer His mom
Julius CaesarJulius Caesar Who stabbed Caesar? Brutus Antony Lepidus Octavius
Julius CaesarJulius Caesar Did Lepidus join Octavius and Marc Antony? True False
1984 By the end of hate week, who was Oceania at war with? Eastasia Africa Tangiers Eurasia
1984 What kind of Government is described in the book? Totalitarian government Socialist Government Capitalist government Anarchist government
1984 By the end of the novel, what do we learn about Winston’s wife Katherine? We learn nothing about her She was the inner party leader She became a prole She was vaporized by the men
1984 What is the main purpose of the ministry of truth? To make everything the party says true To make everything the party says true To mass communicate with the people of Oceania To mass communicate with the people of Oceania To torture people and getting them to confess to there thoughts To torture people and getting them to confess to there thoughts To produce statistics of rations
1984 Did the ministry of truth deal with media and news? True False
TKAMB Who got stabbed with a kitchen knife? Bob Ewell Jem Heck Tate Atticus
TKAMB What was Scout dressed up as to go to the pageant? A ham An apple A piece of bacon A turkey
TKAMB Who did Scout find under her bed? Dill Boo Radely Bob Ewell A cat
TKAMB Mr. Dolphus Raymond gave Dill a drink of what to settle his stomach? Coca- cola whiskey Water Root beer
TKAMB Who saved Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell? Arthur Radely Nathan Radely Tom Robinson Atticus
Anthem What is Equality’s name? Prometheus Gaea I I Equality
Anthem What is Liberty’s new name? Gaea Golden Name Liberty Mother of Nature
Anthem After Equality got done telling the Golden One what he was reading, what did she say? I Love You I I We Ego
Anthem Equality is considered different from his brothers? True False
Anthem It was hard for Equality to break out of Corrective Detention? False True
Vocabulary Silly; Not important Frivolous Genealogy Genial Galvanize
Vocabulary A mischievous trick or deception, usually intended to fool the public Hoax Havoc Hideous Herald
Vocabulary The state of being free or safe from; Protection Immunity Immaterial Hygiene Ideally
Vocabulary A crowd; a swarm; a wandering tribe or group Horde Impertinent Homage Humanoid
Vocabulary Left to chance; not planned; random Haphazard Grueling Hectic Granular
Grammar The world series ____ played in October. is are have has
Grammar The only difference between the dishes ____ the sauces. were was has is
Grammar ____ a raincoat and umbrella in the closet. There’s There are has is
Grammar The committee ______ taken their seats. has was are is
Grammar Not one of the tomatoes _____ ripened. have was has is
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