09PSW10 - Kaspar Mary 09PSW29 - Maria Selvam CORPORATION OF CHENNAI
Oldest Municipal Institution in India Established 29 th Sep 1688 Originated from Parliamentary Act 1792 Municipal Act - by armaments Major Changes / Power to Corporation Madras Municipal Act provide Basic Statutory authority Growing in size and Population Territorial Division 30 in 1919 to 155 now Population 5 lakhs in 1921 to 42 (App)lakhs now INTRODUCTION February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
INTRODUCTION Described as “The City Beautiful” Marina is 2 nd longest Beach in the World Famous Temples - architectural attraction Many popular resorts in Chennai Rabid growth and Expansion of the City List of Corporation in Tamilnadu - Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Selam, Trichy, Tirunelveli, Tirupur, Erode, Thoothukudi and Vellore February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Sir Josiah Child - Director of East India Company Responsible person for the formation of the Corporation - 29 th Sep 1688 Power to decide petty cases, levy rates upon the inhabitants for building of school, a town hall and a Jail Mr. Nathaniel Higginson - First Mayor Parliamentary Act 1792 gave the Company - Power to levy the municipal taxes in the city Act of 1836, 1841, 1856, 1863, 1867, 1878, 1884, 1892, 1904 and changes in the Constitution February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Amendment Acts of 1936, 1947, 1956, 1958, 1962 and increases the number of divisions to 150 Provided various statutory Committees Functioning in Errabalu Chetty Street moved to present imposing Building Ripon Building - Lord Ripon, the Viceroy who introduced Local Self-Government in India - 19 th C Till Responsible for Planning of the City Madras Metropolitan Development Authority – 1974 Town and Country Planning Act February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Task of Planning for the City and Metropolitan - taken by the Authority Council ceased to function under elected body with effect from Special Officer - Appointed by the Govt. TN To exercise the powers and functions of the Council and Standing Committees Executive Authority - Commissioner who is assisted by Deputy Commissioners various Head of the Deportments and ten Circle Officers at present February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Park Road Health Bridges Building Revenue Electrical Education Town Planning Land & Estates Small Savings Strom Water Drain Mechanical Engineering Solid Waste Management Finance February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
CONSTITUTION OF THE COUNCIL The term of elected Members of the Council was 3 years Mayor and the Deputy Mayor were elected once in a year by the Members of the Council Special Officers’ to carry out the functions of the Council and various Standing Committees. The Mayor of the Corporation will be elected by the citizens of Chennai city as a whole in public election and also the term of office of the Mayor as well as Councillors will be 5 years from the date of such election The Deputy Mayor will be elected from among the members of the Council whose tenure will be 5 years. February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
The following authorities of the Corporation A Council A Mayor Standing Committees Ward Committees A Commissioner CONSTITUTION OF THE COUNCIL February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
SIX STANDING COMMITTEES Standing Committee (Accounts) Standing Committee (Education) Standing Committee (Public Health) Standing Committee (Town Planning) Standing Committee (Works) Standing Committee (Taxation & Finance) February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
APPOINTMENT COMMITTEE Appointments to all posts included in class III and IV. It consists Mayor - chairperson Commissioner Two members of the Council February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
WARD COMMITTEES Councillors of respective zones shall be the members who will elect one among them as Chairman of Ward Committee Duration 5 years February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE This was constituted to solve the important issues raised in the Council. This committee was formed under the Chairmanship of the Mayor. It will meet whenever the chairman desires. February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
CONDUCT OF MEETINGS The council shall meet in the Municipal Office - once in every month. (The date will be fixed and the agenda will be prepared by the Mayor for the council The agenda for the standing committee shall be prepared by the commissioner.) Each standing committees shall meet at the Municipal office at least once in a month Each ward committee shall meet in the zonal office one in a month. February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
FUNCTIONS OF THE COUNCIL Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Municipal Government of the city shall vest in the Council If any doubt arises as to the municipal authority to which any particular function pertains, the Mayor shall refer the matter to the State Government whose decision shall be final. It shall be the duty of the Council to consider all periodical statements of receipts and disbursements and all progress reports and pass such resolutions thereon as it thinks fit. February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
DUTIES AND POWERS OF INDIVIDUAL COUNCILLORS Any Councillor may call the attention of the proper authority to any neglect in the execution of municipal work, and may suggest any improvements. Every Councillor shall have the right to interpolate the Mayor Every Councillor shall have access during office hours to the records of the Corporation. February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
POWERS OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT Sec. 43A State Government’s power to remove Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councillor convicted under Section 358A Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the State Government may, by notification, remove any Mayor, Deputy Mayor or councilor who is convicted twice of an offence punishable under Section 358-A when they propose to take action under sub section (1), give the Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councillor concerned an opportunity to explain and the notification issued under the said sub-section shall contain a statement of the reasons of the State Government for the action taken Any person removed under sub-section (1) from the office of Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councillor, as the case may be, shall not be eligible for election to the said office February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
STATE GOVERNMENT POWER TO DISSOLVE THE CORPORATION If in the opinion of the State Government, the corporation is not competent to perform or persistently makes default in performing the duties imposed on it by law or exceeds or abused its powers, the state Government may, by notification Dissolve the corporation from a specified date and Direct that the corporation be reconstituted with effect form a date which shall not be later than six months from the date of dissolution. February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
DELEGATION OF POWER BY THE STATE GOVERNMENT The Parliamentary Act of 1792 gave the corporation power to levy Municipal Taxes in the city making provision for the good order and administration of the city Provides the basic statutory authority for the administration February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
THE ROLE / SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITIES OF CHENNAI CORPORATION o Building Permission o Property Tax o Company Tax o Profession Tax o Road Maintenance o Solid Waste Management o Trade License o Birth - Death Certificates February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
ONLINE CIVIC SERVICES Property tax online payment Property tax Status Property tax basic rates streetwise Property tax calculator Property tax rules /procedure Property tax assessment Property tax online procedure February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011
CONCLUSION Today the city has grown not only in terms of area with very good infrastructures and facilities but also in terms of population through migration and urbanization. The Municipal Corporation of Chennai plays a vital role in fulfilling the needs of the urban community therefore to ensure development of the nation. February 21, 2011 February 21, 2011