Who Am I? Government New France Life in New France That makes “cense”
He thought of the idea of the order of good cheer
Samuel de Champlain
Mi’kmaq chief who worked with the French during early Acadian settlement
Chief Membertou
Dreamed of a French settlement in North America
Samuel de Champlain
First Intendant of New France
Jean Talon
First Governor of New France
Louis de Buade, Comte de Frontenac
King of France who sent Jean Talon to New France to be the Intendant in 1663.
King Louis XIV
What the governor was in charge of
Military matters, such as dealing with the English and Aboriginal peoples
What the Intendant was in charge of
Business and Industry within the colony
What the Bishop was in charge of
Health, Education, Religion
What the governor, intendant, and bishop were called
What is the Sovereign Council
By this date, New France was governed by a sovereign council
What is 1665
What the Acadians built to stop the tide from putting salt water on their soil
What are dykes
Priests and nuns ran these in New France
What are schools and hospitals
Disease that killed many early settlers in New France
What is scurvy
A man in New France who owned land, given to him by the King
Who is a seigneur
Farmers in New France who rented land
What are habitants
Many habitants had their own one of these…this bothered the newly arrived elite
What are horses
Why would some people in New France trade with the English? (2 reasons)
Better prices than France & came to trade more often. Also, didn’t feel as loyal to France anymore
What did Frontenac tell the British when they asked him to surrender
“Tell your leader that I shall reply to him through the mouths of my cannon”
Describe how land was divided in a seigneurial system
Long, thin strips so that each farm had access to the river
French word for “daughters of the king”
Filles du roi
Money or property given by a wife to her husband when they got married
What is a dowry
Government list of all of the people in the country
What is a census
Top 3 occupations that Talon found out in his census
Merchant, carpenter, joiner
Tell one advantage of getting married and one disadvange of not getting married
Unmarried men were not granted fishing and fur-trading rights. Talon offered families money for having children.