Why People Marry: Love Companionship Social Reasons Cultural Reasons Starting a Family
Requirements for a Marriage License Fee Witness 72 hour waiting period
Thoughts Before Marriage Your values and what is important to you in life Is this the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with? Am I ready for a lifetime commitment Your future goals and plans Career Plans Family Plans
Successful Marriages What does it take to be successful in a marriage? Should couples live together before getting married?
Stressors in Marriage Changes in attitudes and expectations, Unexpected problems may arise causing stress – etc. someone loses their job Ineffective communication can cause stress One partner being unhappy can cause stress Cheating
Legal Benefits of Marriage Financial - combining salaries Benefits and health insurance Tax Breaks Can make health decisions Better visiting rights (hospital) If spouse passes away, other spouse receives life insurance, social security, and pension
Wedding??? Will you have a wedding? What kind? Church Reception - $$$, Place, Guests, DJ/Band, Bridal Party, Flowers Destination Wedding
Assignment… Where will your wedding take place? ◦ Church? After party venue? What will your color scheme be? Who would be in your bridal party? Will you have a honeymoon? Where? Type of flowers? Food? – What type of food? DJ – find one online ◦ Entrance song you and bridal party, first dance song, father/daughter, mother/son, cake cutting song, any other special song?
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