Ulysses S. Grant Our Wonderful General By Camryn Magsby and Tanner West Our Wonderful General By Camryn Magsby and Tanner West
In the Beginning… Born on April 22,1822 in West Point, Ohio Weighed 11lbs. at birth. Born in the U.S. time known as “Era of Good Feelings” Real name “Herman Ulysses Simpson Grant” Did not like public speaking Just an average student Born on April 22,1822 in West Point, Ohio Weighed 11lbs. at birth. Born in the U.S. time known as “Era of Good Feelings” Real name “Herman Ulysses Simpson Grant” Did not like public speaking Just an average student
Growing Up He graduated from West Point U.S. Military Academy when he was 17. Fought in the war in 1844 and 1845 in Louisiana and Texas. He was always a Republican. He graduated from West Point U.S. Military Academy when he was 17. Fought in the war in 1844 and 1845 in Louisiana and Texas. He was always a Republican.
In The War He was an Abolitionist Given control of the Union Army His Allies nicknamed him “Unconditional Surrender.” His enemies called him “The Butcher.” He showed great character by not cursing. He was an Abolitionist Given control of the Union Army His Allies nicknamed him “Unconditional Surrender.” His enemies called him “The Butcher.” He showed great character by not cursing.
Getting Married Got married on August 22, To Julia Dent A slave owners daughter After marriage, had four kids Got married on August 22, To Julia Dent A slave owners daughter After marriage, had four kids
During the big Fight Won the battle of Shiloh General Robert E. Lee the Confederate general, surrendered at Appomattox Court House Union army won the Civil War Won the battle of Shiloh General Robert E. Lee the Confederate general, surrendered at Appomattox Court House Union army won the Civil War
After the War Was elected 18 th president 46 when he had inauguration When president, was attacked by Liberal Republican Reformers Had 2 terms of presidents Died on July 23,1885 of throat cancer because of smoking 20 cigars a day. Was elected 18 th president 46 when he had inauguration When president, was attacked by Liberal Republican Reformers Had 2 terms of presidents Died on July 23,1885 of throat cancer because of smoking 20 cigars a day.