By: Katie McDermott
Integrating technology into the classroom is one of the most beneficial learning tools that can be provided to students. By using technology in lessons, students are able to access information and use tools that can substantially increase their learning ability and interest in several different subject areas. Technology is becoming increasingly important in our society and it is our jobs as an educators to provide the knowledge and skills they need to possess to be successful in the future.
Allows for teachers to create interactive and exciting lessons that hold the attention and interest of many students. Helps teachers create a more flexible and diverse classroom. By integrating technology in the classroom, teachers are able to alter their lesson at a moment’s notice if needed.
In the classroom, there are many technological tools that are available to help benefit the students. ◦ SMART Board This is an interactive learning device that allows teachers and students to manipulate objects projected on the screen with a simple touch. Using the SMART Board is a great way to design an interactive lesson that involved the students. ◦ Projector A projector is a great tool while participating in group learning. This equipment projects information on to the board so the children can see the information as a whole. This is especially vital when there is not enough material to provide for the entire class. ◦ Online References Being able to access the World Wide Web in the classroom allows teachers to quickly gain access to information that may be vital to the content area. ◦ Student Computers Student computers are a great way to allow children to practice their typing and technology skills through playing interactive games that coordinate with the lesson being taught that day.
There are many educational websites available to students that can increase their reading, math, and science skills. ◦ Check the Student’s link on the homepage for a listing of these websites. If you do not have a computer accessible in your home, try visiting the public library or ask a friend if you can use their computer.
Integrating technology into the classroom is a positive learning experience for a student at any grade level.