“Roll-Call” Poem N/S Answer questions, right side margin of the poems. Roll-call was done in the morning & afternoon, but also after a battle. 1. Why was calling roll important after a battle? (Completely answer, there are several answers.)
Read “Roll-Call” Poem, then answer ?’s 2. How many stanzas (groups/paragraphs) are in the poem? 3. How many lines in each stanza? 4. What is the pattern/ repetition of the rhyme of the lines? Write the correct rhyme pattern. aabb, abab, abba 5. Why is the punctuation important in the poem? Where is the repetition of the punctuation? Which lines? 6. What is the rhythm of the poem? The pattern of stressed (/) and unstressed (U) syllables. The pattern of rhythm is called a meter. EX: U / U / U / U / U / U / U / U / Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though. 7. & 8. Write down 2 imagery lines of the poem, (5 senses). 9. Write down any 2 figurative language lines of the poem (similes, metaphors & personification). 10. Finally, add 4 more lines as though you have survived a battle and Roll-call is being done. Follow pattern of the poem, include imagery, figurative language.
Read “Shall I See My Boy Again” Poem, then answer ?’s. 1. How is this poem’s structure stanzas, grouping, rhythm, different from the previous poem? 2. Why do you think some words are underlined? 3. Who is the poem written to? Who might have written it? 4. What line(s) speak to the longing of wanting the soldier home again? The remembrance of how things were.