Legislative Water Issues Task Force ( ) Utah Water Summit November 30, 2005
Proposed Ground-Water Legislation Prior Appropriation Doctrine Safe Yield Concept Authority for State Engineer – Ground Water Management Plans Critical Management Areas Consider economic factors Implement gradually
Definition of “Safe Yield” The amount of groundwater that can be withdrawn from a groundwater basin over a period of time without exceeding the long term recharge of the basin or unreasonably affecting the basin’s physical and chemical integrity.
The Basis for Groundwater Management Plans State engineer may consider: –Hydrology –Physical characteristics –Conjunctively management of surface and groundwater –Geographic spacing & location of withdrawals –Water quality –Local well interference –Other relevant factors
The Basis for Groundwater Management Plans Management plans shall be based on the principles of prior appropriation. The state engineer shall use the best available scientific method to determine safe yield. Safe yield may be revised as conditions change or upon additional information.
The Exceptions Critical Management Areas –A groundwater basin in which groundwater withdrawals consistently exceed the safe yield. –The management plan shall be implemented gradually to minimize economic and other impacts on individuals & the community. Voluntary Arrangements
Overview of the Legislative Water Task Force Enforcement Legislation – 2004 Task Force Activities – 2005 Very Successful Task Force Water Community
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