VICTORIA PALLEN 9 TH FEBRUARY 2012 How our integrated working, co-location and CAF processes work in identifying and addressing child poverty
Integrated Working and ECM outcomes
Integrated Working…… Identifies needs earlier Delivers a co-ordinated package of support for the child/young person Helps to secure better outcomes
Integrated Working involves… Staged Intervention Model - The foundation for effective integrated locality working is the staged intervention model. Staged intervention is a process which enables services to plan to meet the needs of individual children and young people. Staged intervention should assist in clearly setting out what support is available and when it should be offered. The Common Assessment Framework - a common approach and language to assess strengths and needs through 3 stages Information Sharing - when and what to share Lead Professional - can be any member of the children’s workforce, acts as a single point of contact for child/young person and family co-ordinating the delivery of actions by services involved in support.
Integrated Working also involves… Team around Child and Family - Professionals with expertise in the area of identified need work as a supportive team to collectively focus on meeting desired outcomes. Children and Family panels - Two weekly multi-agency meetings to consider support packages for children and young people with identified complex needs. Locality Partnership Boards - Providing governance and development of services which are community and locality focused. Locality Information Sharing Network meetings - Frontline practitioners coming together on a monthly basis to facilitate “joined up” practices around schools and settings to address to local needs of the community. Children’s Workforce Development Council - Encompasses vision and values of Integrated Working.
Southend Staged Model of Intervention
Co-located Working Four sites over three localities Each locality has a manager Educational Psychology Service, Child and Family Early Intervention Team, Connexions, Family Information Service. Improved communication In-depth knowledge of the locality Closer relationship with schools and settings.
Integrated locality services involved in Children and Family Panels and LISN… Locality Manager. Child and Family Early Intervention Team leader Educational Psychologists Health Visitors/School Nurse Children's’ Centre Managers Child & Mental Health Service Representative Housing Young Persons Drug and Alcohol Team worker Locality Information Officer Police Connexions / Integrated Youth Support Service Community Service Volunteers Extended Schools Coordinator Social Care
a one-stop shop of accessible public and voluntary services available to children and their extended families, adults, the local community and other members of the public an increase in take up and a broader range of services and activities brought to local communities who might otherwise not experience them acceleration of the delivery of services greater customer satisfaction with services Improved outcomes for different service users include…..
How do we address child poverty? The East Locality Manager attends the Child Poverty Action Group and through the action plan the team work towards breaking the cycle of poverty. The Locality Managers are the single point of contact for The Families Programme run in conjunction with Reed in Partnership. LISN (Locality Information Service Network) and SLISN (Schools LISN) to keep up to date with new resources, such as The Storehouse and job clubs. CAF used to refer families to Family Mosaic, The Families Programme, housing etc. Jobcentre Plus represented at Locality Partnership Board meetings. Make A Difference funding. Sourcing funding from external agencies.
How to Contact your Locality Manager West Locality Cathy Braun Central Locality Jane Arnold East Locality Victoria Pallen