Introduction to Literature Subjects are divided into:1- Arts 2- Science Science: Based on seeking facts and truth. - It brings advantages to humankind and these advantages are valuable in our daily lives. - Man seeks truth because curiosity is in his nature (the urge to know more and find out).
Art – unlike Science- seeks value in the beauty of creation. - Artists’ primary concern is to compose or produce works that are unique, that have quality, and that last forever. - Art is free; unlike science because an artist has the freedom to imagine. Literature is considered as Art. WHY? Because it is created from an artist’s artistic experience or feeling.
What is Literature? Literature refers to pieces of work belonging to major branches or genres: - Fiction: short stories and novels - Non-Fiction: prose, biographies and autobiographies. - Poetry: sonnets, ballads, songs, etc. - Drama: theatrical plays. These genres are the 4 branches of Literature.
What is English Literature? English Literature are major genres written in English that do not refer to a certain nation. However, it is important to know there is a difference between many kinds of literature such as: - American Literature - Irish Literature - African-American Literature - English Literature
Why do we read Literature? 1- For pleasure. 2- To gain valuable experience from other people. 3- To gain knowledge. 4- For educational purposes. Literature uses meaningful sounds we call words. Words are artistic because they appeal to our emotions; unlike in science, words are non- artistic because they appeal to our brain.
Readers of Literature are divided into 2 categories: 1- Mature readers: more experienced, not surprised by events in a piece of work. 2- Immature readers: less experienced, surprised by events which they are unable to predict. Expectations of Immature readers: 1- Happy Endings 2- Clear Message 3- Confirmation of what they expect to happen. Usually immature readers sympathize with the hero in the pieces of work they read.
Literature is an art that exploits the language. Concept of English Literature belongs to the present, the future, and it’s main concern is the past. Subject matter of writers is the concept of humanity. Literature has freedom, willingness to experiment, and hatred towards rules.