Work Registration The first step in determining participation required in the Employment and Training Program (ETP).
There are 3 Steps to determining Work Registration, ABAWD Status, and Target Codes: 1.Is individual exempt Work Registration? 2.If not, determine ABAWD status 3.If not exempt Work Registration, select Target Code We will view each of these steps in order, beginning with Work Registration (WR).
Work Registration Work Registration (WR) is a Technical Eligibility requirement for the FS program. Every able-bodied household member age 18 through 59 must work register in all 120 counties, unless otherwise exempt. In some situations, a Head of Household age 16 or 17 may be required to work register.
WR Exemptions Work Registration exemption reasons are listed in Volume IIA, MS 1650.MS 1650 Go to the online manual, and complete the “WR Exemptions” section of your Notes Pages. Go ahead and do that, before you continue the show...
Explaining Exemptions Because some of those exemptions can be confusing, the following slides contain explanations of a few of the more confusing items...
Item A: The exception in item A only applies to a 16 or 17 year old who has a case in his/her own name and who has dropped out of school. Example: Betty is 17 and lives alone. Betty dropped out of high school. Betty is required to Work Register.
Item D: Remember that all KTAP households are Categorically Eligible for SNAP. Also, the KTAP program has its own work requirements for every adult recipient.
Item E: Only one member of the SNAP case may be exempt WR for caring for a child under 6 or a disabled individual. The child or disabled person does not have to be a member of the case, or even live at the same address as the household. One parent is Exempt WR One parent is Non-Exempt
Item F: The Office of Employment and Training (OET) requires that recipients of UIB report a set number of job applications.
Item G: Most participants in a drug or alcohol treatment program are involved in related activities during regular work hours. An authorized representative from the treatment program will probably be applying for benefits for these participants.
Item H: Example: John works 25 hrs/wk at per hour. 25 x 10.00=$250/wk. This is more than minimum wage multiplied by 30, so Johnny is exempt WR. The hours or amount of in-kind income can be verified by a written statement.
Verifying Unable to Work On Blackboard, there is a link for a document titled, “Suggestions for Using and Explaining PAFS-704” Your Mission: Go ahead and review this document, which details use of this form for ETP purposes.
Verifying Unable to Work If the individual is currently receiving SSI, or receiving RSDI or another benefit based on disability, this is automatically verified.
Voluntary Quit Volume IIA, MS 4205 If a member is NOT exempt Work Registration, Voluntary Quit rules apply. If Exempt WR, Voluntary Quit does NOT apply! The following slides contain details...
What is Voluntary Quit? If an individual has voluntarily quit a job or reduced work hours to below 30 per wk (or 30 hrs multiplied by minimum wage), the member may be disqualified for voluntary quit. The quit/reduction must have occurred: –Within 30 days of the application date, or –At any time during receipt of benefits.
Voluntary Quit Criteria In order to be considered voluntary quit, BOTH of the following criteria must apply: –The job was at least 30 hrs per week, or weekly earnings were equal to minimum wage multiplied by 30 hours. –The quit was without good cause.
Good Cause Reasons Good Cause Reasons for Voluntary Quit are in Volume IIA, MS 4250MS 4250 –Follow the above link to this Manual Section, and complete the “Good Cause for Voluntary Quit” section of your Notes Pages.
Voluntary Quit System Entry Here’s the screen containing the Voluntary Quit questions.
Work Registration Forms For each adult household member who is not exempt WR, provide a copy of the FSET-101 Annotate the number of copies provided on the PAFS-203, and have the client sign it. Assignment: Obtain copies of these 2 forms, and review them so you can explain them to a client.
KAMES Entries Now, let’s talk about the KAMES system, and the entries to make in order to: –Exempt individuals from WR/ETP –Register individuals for ETP The next slides show the screens that contain WR/ETP questions...
WR Exemption- Caring for a Child or Disabled The first member screen has most of the exemption questions. Answer “Y” to “FS”, and enter the youngest child’s DOB for every adult HH member, if there is a child under 18 in the home. If the child/disabled individual exempts the member from WR, answer “Y” to the next question.
Other WR/ETP Exemptions Same screen: The bottom of this screen contains many WR/ETP exemption questions. Answering “Y” to any of these 6 questions will exempt the member from ETP.
Disability Benefits Received If a member receives disability benefits, answer the correct question on this screen. A “Y” in any of these fields will exempt them from WR.
How to Work Register If the WR question is not protected, answer it, and enter the date. You will also assign a Target Code, but that depends on ABAWD Status.
Pending KTAP? If the individual has a pending KTAP application, he/she can be exempt WR. Answer “Y” here to use that exemption.
School Attendance Exemption The question for school attendance is on the same screen as WR. However, these entries can be tricky. When we meet in class, we will practice using this exemption.
Another Member Caring for Child This question asks if another member of the case is Exempt WR for caring for this member’s child. Be sure to answer this question correctly, depending on who is exempt ETP for the child.
Failure to Cooperate Failure to cooperate with WR requirements results in member disqualification. These disqualifications must be served, then cured before eligibility is reestablished, unless the member becomes exempt from WR. DO NOT DELETE any FS work related disqualification, even after it has been cured.
Discourage Refusal If a client initially refuses to cooperate with work requirements, be sure to explain what that entails. Discuss disqualifications with the member, and make every attempt to gain their cooperation, when possible.
How Do You Feel? Do you feel comfortable with the first step of ETP- Work Registration? Before you continue, return to Blackboard, and complete the “Work Registration Activity” to check your understanding of this topic.
Next Steps... If an individual is required to Work Register for ETP, we then look at whether the individual is exempt from “ABAWD” requirements, or whether they are already in compliance. Please close this window, return to Blackboard, and continue with “ABAWD Requirements”.