School Workforce Rationale Helen Barugh School Workforce Statistics and Research
Introduction This presentation aims to demonstrate the benefits that the new collections can bring to all users Illustrate how the current data sources are used Highlight some current ‘hot topics’ and how the new data will help
Existing data sources DTR – teachers by age, sex, pay details, movements 618G – teacher numbers, grade, ethnicity, sickness absence, vacancies Census – teacher numbers and support staff numbers Staffing surveys – subjects taught and subjects of qualification Ad-hoc research projects
Natural wastage: 30% of teachers are now aged over 50
The number of support staff has nearly tripled since 1992
Hot topic: support staff supply and pay How many support staff (Annual School Census) How much spent on support staff (Consistent Financial Reporting) Pay for different types of work? Use of term-time only contracts? Turnover and wastage? Age profile?
Hot topic: maths and science teachers Persistently higher vacancy rates than other teachers (618G) Older age profile (staffing surveys, ad-hoc research) Use of pay flexibilities to help recruitment/retention? Turnover and wastage? Length of service?
Hot topic: RRA monitoring Teachers by ethnicity (618G) Promotion and passing the threshold? Pay levels? Leadership group? Age profile? Staff role?
Hot topic: Leadership succession planning Age profile of leadership group (not head teachers) (DTR) Number of schools (ASC) Holders of NPQH (NCSL) Headship vacancies (618G) Middle leaders? Promotion opportunities? Turnover and wastage?
Hot topic: CRB checks Recording of CRB checks Tool to enable schools and authorities meet their obligations The Department will not collect the data centrally