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The Sounds of Science Physics is Phun March 2007
Reference book: The Physics of Sound, 3 rd edition (2005) by Richard E. Berg and David G. Stork published by Pearson/Prentice-Hall
The Overtone Series
Standing waves in a string
The Overtone Series
Standing waves in air columns
The Overtone Series
Standard electronic wave forms Sine wave Sawtooth wave Pulse train Triangular wave Square wave
Fourier’s Theorem: Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier ( ) Any physical function that varies periodically with time with a frequency f can be expressed as a superposition of sinusoidal components of frequencies: f, 2f, 3f, 4f,... --from “Wikipedia”
Fourier Synthesis Sawtooth wave
Fourier Synthesis Pulse train wave
Fourier Synthesis Triangular wave
Fourier Synthesis Square wave
Fourier Analysis or Spectrum Analysis
Sine Wave Spectrum
Sawtooth Wave Spectrum
Pulse Train Spectrum
Triangular Wave Spectrum
Square Wave Spectrum
Analysis of Musical Sounds
Fourier Analysis of Sounds of Musical Instruments
Recorder Wave and Spectrum
Violin Wave and Spectrum
Crumhorn Wave and Spectrum
Clarinet Wave and Spectrum
Factors in Tone Quality 1. Amplitudes of harmonics 2. Attack and decay transients 3. Inharmonicities 4. Formants 5. Vibrato 6. Chorus effect
The Singing Formant
Origin of Vocal Formants (~17.5 cm closed tube) Frequency: f 1 = 500 Hz f 3 = 1500 Hz Vocal range: Hz Hz Mode:
Simple formant model
Origin of Vocal Formants (~17.5 cm closed tube) Frequency: f 1 = 500 Hz f 3 = 1500 Hz Vocal range: Hz Hz Mode:
Vowel formant production Source:
Vowel Formant Frequencies
Sound Spectrograms
Vocal formants for vowel sounds
Voice and Synthesizer “Wow”
Vocal Spectrograms
Computerized Speech Laboratory Courtesy of Kay Elemetrics Corp.
Helium Voice Singing frequency remains the same (vibration of vocal folds) Formant frequencies rise because S he >> S air Why?
Vowel formant production Source:
Speed of Sound in Helium and Sulfur Hexafluoride HeSF 6 M/M air 1/74.6 V s /S2.60.5
The End See you next time! We are on the web at Animated Gifs compliments of bellsnwhistles.com