COUNTRIESLAND – Land Size, Rivers, Lakes, Seas, Oceans, Deserts, Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, etc. ECONOMY – Natural Resources, How They Make a Living? Farming, Tourism, Factories Produce What? PEOPLE – Languages, Religions, Form of Government, Population, Ethnic Groups, Customs, Culture EGYPT LIBYA TUNISIA ALGERIA MOROCCO Nile River (85%), desert, delta, Suez Canal, and Sinai Peninsula Farming, Factories, Food Products, textiles, oil, tourism Republic Sahara Desert, oasis, aquifers, no rivers Oil for Imports of Food Mixed Arab and Berber, 5.2 million, Dictatorship, Muslim Smallest Country in N. Africa, coastline Fishing, Industry, Textiles, Factories, Farming: wheat, fruit Ancient city of Carthage, Tunis (capital) Largest Country of N. Africa Oil and Natural Gas, Poverty Once a Colony of France, 31 million, Speak Arabic & French Strait of GibraltarAgriculture and Industry, Exports Phosphate Rock Settled by the Berbers, Constitutional Monarchy
Chapter 4-1 Vocabulary Delta an area formed from soil deposited by river at its mouth Silt small particles of rich soil Oasis green area found in the desert fed by underground water Aquifers Underground rock layers that store large amounts of water Dictator an all powerful leader Terrorism use of violent acts against civilians to achieve certain goals
Chapter 4-1 Vocabulary (continued) Secular non-religious policies non-religious policies Constitutional Monarchy Government in which the king or queen are the head of state, but elected official hold the power
4-2 Vocabulary Mosques Place of worship for followers of Islam Kibbutz A settlement or farm where the people share property and produce goods Moshav Cooperative settlement of small individual farms in Israel where people share in farming, but also own some private property
4-3 Vocabulary Bedouin Nomadic Arab of the deserts of Southwest Asia Wadi Dry riverbed filled by rainwater from rare downpours Desalinization Process of removing salt to make seawater drinkable Hajj Religious journey to Makkah that Muslims are expected to make at least once during their lifetimes
4-4 Vocabulary Alluvial Plain Area that is built up by rich fertile soil left by river floods Embargo Order that restricts or prohibits trade with another country Shah Title given to kings who ruled in Iran Islamic Republic Government run by Muslim religious leaders
North Africa (Discussion Notes 4-1) I. __________ - about the size of Texas and New Mexico and most is desert. A. The Nile River supplies ______% of the country’s water. Dams and channels supply water for farming and electric power. B. The _______ _________ is one of the world’s most important waterways. Aswan Dam is the largest in Egypt. C. Egypt’s main energy source is _____ and tourism is an important industry. II. ___________ - 90% of it is covered by the Sahara Desert with a few oases and no permanent rivers. A. Libya has to import 3/4 of its ________, but oil has brought great wealth. Egypt 85 SuezCanal oil Libya food
B. Libya is a ___________ country and most speak Arabic. III. The Maghreb - region made up of Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. A. Tunisia is North Africa’s ________ country and its largest city is Tunis (1 million). B. Algeria is North Africa’s ___________ country. In 1962, Algeria gained independence from France and today is a republic. C. Morocco is the leading producer of ________________ and is a constitutional monarchy. SW Asia - Turkey and Israel (Discussion Notes 4-2) I. __________ - it bridges the continents of Asia and Europe. A. Turkey has many ___________ resources such as coal, copper, and iron. B. Turkey has different ___________ from the plateau to the coasts. Muslim smallest largest phosphate Turkey mineral climates
C. About ________% of Turkey’s 66 million people are Muslim. D. The ________ are an ethnic group who have demanded their own independent state (country). E. About 70% of the people live in _________ or towns. II. _________ - founded by Jewish immigrants from Europe, Central Asia, and the U.S. A. Israel includes: Golan Heights, Dead Sea, and __________ Desert B. Israelis live in ________ settlements called kibbutzes and moshavs. C. ______________ cutting and polishing are a major industry. D. 80% of Israel’s people are _____________ and the other 20% are Palestinians who are Muslims. 97 Kurds cities Israel Negev farm Diamond Jewish
Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Arabia (Discussion Notes 4-3) I. __________ - The land consists of fertile coastal plains and valleys. A. ______________ is Syria’s main economic activity. B. 1/2 of Syria’s people live in __________ areas. C. ___________, the capital,was founded 5,000 years ago as a trading center. D. Since the 1960’s, one party has controlled the government. II. ____________ - is half the size of New Jersey. A. __________ is the capital and largest city. B. _____________ War between Arab Muslims and Christians has destroyed the country. C. __________ ruled Lebanon until it gained its independence in the 1940’s. Arabic and French are official languages. Syria Farming urban Damascus Lebanon Beirut Civil France
III. __________ - lacks both water and energy resources. A. Most people work in ___________ and manufacturing industries. B. Most of Jordan’s people are Arab _____________. C. Jordan became independent from ________ _________ in 1946 and now have a constitutional monarchy. IV. Saudi Arabia - is the ____________ country in SW Asia. A. Its covered by vast __________ with no rivers or permanent bodies of water. B. Saudi Arabia holds about __________% of the world’s oil and belongs to OPEC. Oil has given them a high standard of living. C. The capital and largest city is Riyadh and Islam’s holiest city is Makkah (Mecca). Country ruled by a ______________. Jordan service Muslims GreatBritain largest deserts 25 monarchy
Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan (Discussion Notes 4-4) I. ________ - has 2 major rivers: the Tigris and Euphrates, between them is the alluvial plain, most of its farming takes place here. A. _________ is the country’s major export. B. About 70% of Iraq’s 23 million live in _________ areas. C. Muslim Arabs make up the largest group and the _________, the second largest group want to form their own country. D. ________ __________ was the last dictator to be overthrown by the U.S. In 1991, U.S. stopped Iraq from taking over Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War. II. _________ - is an oil-rich nation that has limited water supplies A.More than 1/2 of Iran’s 66 million are ___________ not Arabs. B. Nearly 98% practice _________ and its country is ruled by a Islamic republic. Iraq Oil urban Kurds SaddamHussein Iran Persians Islam
III. _______________ - is a landlocked country mostly covered by the Hindu Kush Mountains. A. The country’s 26 million are broken into _____ ethnic groups. B. The ______________ was its form of government in which strict religious laws were enforced. In October 2001, the U.S. invaded and overthrew the government. Afghanistan 20 Taliban